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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceNCRI official urges Arab states to support eviction of Iran regime

NCRI official urges Arab states to support eviction of Iran regime


NCRI – Mr. Mehdi Abrishamchi, Chair of the Peace Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), participated in an online conference on Saturday, August 1, with Arab personalities from various countries.

Mr. Abrishamchi stated that the Iranian regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei entered into nuclear negotiations and ultimately gave in to a series of substantial retreats out of a grave fear of resumption of social protests and uprisings. In these retreats, many of Khamenei’s red lines that he had publicly and repeatedly insisted upon were crossed.

Mr. Abrishamchi emphasized that the most important aspect of the nuclear deal was the retreat of the supreme leader from a program that along with the domestic suppression and export of terrorism formed the three strategic pillars for the regime’s survival. He added that this was a defeat for the regime in its entirety.

Mr. Jamal Ali Bu Hassan, a Bahraini parliamentarian; Dr. Zakaria Alsheik, Chair of the Jordanian parliament National Strategy Committee; Sheikh Adel Moavedeh, Senator from Bahrain; and Ms. Majedeh al-Navishi, Deputy Chair of the Arab Parliamentarian Women’s Union and former Egyptian lawmaker, also participated in this conference.

Participants accentuated that the Iranian regime is the foremost cause of crisis and tumult in the region and that any sound and dependable policy to confront Islamic extremism and to establish regional peace needs to focus on and confront the Iranian regime.

In his assessment of future developments, Mr. Abrishamchi stated that the Iranian regime is looking to make up for the losses of the nuclear deal by ramping up its regional interventions. Khamenei explicitly emphasized on this path only four days after the Eid al-Fitr prayers. However, a unified regional front can repel the Iranian regime’s aggressions in the region, Mr. Abrishamchi said.

Referring to the ‘Decisive Storm’ operation, Mr. Abrishamchi said: “The past few months in Syria and Yemen have clearly proven the fact that if the countries in the region stand up to the mullahs, this regime can be defeated and will be forced to retreat. Now, the countries in the region need to firmly stand up against the regional aggressions of this regime and insist on the eviction of this regime from the whole region.”

In this online conference that lasted for around two hours, Mr. Jamal Bu Hassan said that the Iranian regime insists on its regional meddling out of its sectarian objectives and that it tramples upon humanitarian and moral values in so doing. This is despite the fact that the Iranian people want to live in peaceful coexistence with their neighbors. This is a regime that wishes no good or prosperity for its own country or for the region and thus its regional interventions must be brought to an end.

Ms. Majedeh al-Navishi emphasized that the meddling of the Iranian regime and its fundamentalist proxies in the Arab countries is strongly condemned in Egypt. She added that the Iraqi government’s siege at Camp Liberty, where several thousand members of the main Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) are residing in Iraq, is a great crime and that the world must stand up against this crime that is being perpetrated against Camp Liberty residents and its perpetrators should be held accountable by the international community.

Mr. Abrishamchi condemned the appeasement policy by the Western countries and their inaction regarding the atrocities of the mullahs’ regime outside Iranian borders and the feeble and destructive policy of the U.S. government in the nuclear negotiations. He said that utterly unjustified concessions had been made to this regime in the nuclear deal and hence the nuclear agreement is far from what it should and could have achieved. He elaborated that had there been a firm policy in place on behalf of the international community, the Iranian regime would have been compelled to forgo its nuclear program in its entirety.

He further emphasized that although this policy aides the regime to increase its regional interventions in order to cloak its retreats from its red lines in the nuclear accord, the truth is that this regime is at a weaker position because of its strategic retreat from its nuclear program.

Mr. Abrishamchi stated that the regime had been deeply involved in all three regional wars and has for years interfered in the region and exported its terrorism because it lacks any grassroots support domestically and as the 2009 uprisings clearly demonstrated, the Iranian people want to overthrow this regime in its entirety.

He reiterated on the position of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, in strongly condemning the destruction of the Sunni prayer-house in Tehran by the regime’s elements and described it as an anti-Islamic, sectarian and criminal act.

Bahraini Senator Sheikh Adel Moavedeh stated that the Iranian regime insists on its aggressive policies and intervention in the region and against the people of this region while it executes up to eight people in Iran on a single day. Contrary to the Iranian regime, Muslims support the true values of Islam; but it is the Iranian regime that is defacing Islam and portraying an ugly picture of Islam.

Dr. Zakaria Alsheikh said: “The Iranian regime is attempting to deceive others and is implementing a strategic plan to meddle in the Arab world through actions such as claiming to support the Palestinians or propping up Hezbollah in order to lure Arabs. But in reality it is spreading its venom, including the Shia-Sunni conflict in Iraq or fanning sectarian flames in Yemen with the help of the Houthis to threaten Saudi Arabia. The Iranian regimes’ machinations are very dangerous. Naturally, the PMOI (MEK) movement that represents the whole Iranian society is standing against this regime.”

Mr. Abrishamchi, Chair of the NCRI Peace Committee, emphasized that given the Iranian regime’s strong support for terrorist and extremist currents, unity amongst the forces that are against fundamentalism to confront the mullahs and their sectarian and ethnic policies is needed more than ever. Along with the eviction of this regime from the region, the Iranian people must be supported in their will for regime change; in particular, the organized resistance and its democratic goals that advocate friendship and peaceful coexistence in the region should be supported. Mrs. Rajavi’s program for the future Iran is the best assurance for a different future to come, he said.