Mutlak’s National Iraqi Movement sends statement of solidarity for June 18 gathering

NCRI – The declaration of solidarity by the National Iraqi Movement to the massive gathering of June 18:

The large gathering in Paris that was attended by tens of thousands of Iranians and delegations of parliamentarians from 41 countries and representing more than four thousand parliamentarians was a clear international expression of support for the rights of Camp Ashraf residents in Iraq.


The passion and the speeches delivered in this historic gathering proved that Ashraf and the rights of its residents are a criterion for defending human rights, a criterion for refusing to surrender to bullying and tyranny, and a test for the conscience of modern humanity. Defending Ashraf has also surpassed all races and geographical boundaries, and represents a high value in today’s world.

Therefore, the National Movement of Iraq, with all its members and components in the Parliament, government and the Iraqi political society, declares its solidarity with the humanitarian and freedom-seeking goals of this massive gathering and considers itself part of the international awakening against injustice and tyranny and views the defense of the rights of Ashraf residents and seeking justice for the victims of the April 8 attack as a humanitarian and legitimate Iraqi demand. The movement sees itself committed to that.

Abusing the residents of Ashraf represents violence and stands for the tyranny and suppression of a time that we live in. Injustice against the residents is tantamount to injustice against all human beings who have decided to stand up for freedom and human rights. The Iraqi society and its people, with all of their humanitarian values, see themselves as foreign to the perpetration of such criminal deeds.

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