Munich: Socio-Political Expert Dr. Karin Schnebel Supports Secular, Democratic Republic in Iran

munich ncri rally karin schneeschebel 1

In her speech at the rally of the Iranian German community in Munich, Dr. Karin Schnebel, an expert in social and political science theory, expressed her solidarity with the Iranian people who have been subjected to severe human rights violations, including hundreds of deaths, thousands of arrests, and mistreatment and torture of detainees. She emphasized the Iranian people’s desire for freedom and the ongoing revolution in Iran against totalitarianism. Dr. Schnebel called for a fundamental change in the system towards true democracy, equal rights for women and men, and a secular regime. She stressed the need for support from policymakers in Germany and the European Union to end tyranny and honor human rights in Iran.

A translated version of Dr. Karin Schnebel’s remarks is reflected below:

Honorable ladies and gentlemen, honorable fighters for human rights in Iran, and honorable Iranian community. It’s a pleasure to be able to talk at this rally. 

Since the demonstrations against the policies of the oppressive system in Iran began in September, a lot has happened. During the protests, hundreds of people were killed, including children. More than 15,000 people were arrested. Most of the detained people were mistreated and underwent torture while in jail. Some of them have been executed already.  

The Iranian people’s desire for freedom was brutally oppressed. These are severe human rights violations. Though the intimidation of the people has not been quite effective. Because the revolution in Iran is in full swing. To many, it gives hope, confidence, and an immense motivation for the liberation of the country and the end of totalitarianism.  

We are in solidarity with the people of Iran. We feel compassion for those fathers and mothers who lost their children or continue to lose them on a daily basis. We are empathetic to those who have lost their parents. As well as with those who have loved ones in the Iranian prisons and [some] are among us today. We feel compassionate with the people behind bars who are punished for associating themselves with women who [do not] wear veils. Also, do we have sympathy with those men and women who bravely commit themselves to women’s rights, and human rights, to live in freedom and democracy and against dictatorship, corruption, and economic misery, against the destruction of their country, and the environment on a peaceful manner and those that are facing brutal apprehension and have to endure horrible torture or get even killed.

The death sentence is a daily routine in a world where one would think that human rights have achieved something in the 20th century. Here in Germany, politics care about the freedom of those who can wear the veil if they please do so. I admire the fact that we are seeing people among us who do wear veils but commit themselves to enabling other people to decide whether or not they want to wear hijab or not. Therefore, I’d like to thank you for this. 

But this [fight] is not about headgear, it’s a lot more. The obligation to wear hijab is just a symbol that shows people are being suppressed. We desire a fundamental change in the system. We are talking about a true democracy, about the value of every human being, about equal rights for women and men alike under the jurisdiction of the law and accountability. We are talking about sovereignty and not a religious dictatorship. A secular regime is required to enforce this. Only a secular regime can enable such.  

The protesters in Iran are upholding the principles that we value here as well. Nevertheless, it’s because of these protests that some of the executions were exposed. Thus, the push from the outside has proven effective. And this is why we bear the responsibility to call on policy[makers] of Germany and the European Union to do everything so that people and human rights are preserved, and tyranny is ended.  

Supporting means criticizing a different foreign policy that weakens the oppressive regime while strengthening the people and the civil structures. That also means stressing more about honoring human rights. 

The women in Iran desire a democratic, pluralistic, and secular republic where the voice of each and every citizen counts. A society where everyone can contribute. As well as a society where true freedom of religion is existent. We support to the fullest extent the end of the dictatorship. Because freedom is neither a Western quality nor an Eastern, but rather a universal one.  


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