Mrs. Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance، visits Spain to gain support for a policy of regime change towards Iran

In her first visit to Spain, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, entered Madrid on Monday December 17 for a few days visit at the invitation of members of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate of Spain.

On Tuesday, Mrs Rajavi presented an assessment of Iran crisis as well as its prospects and solutions in the Human Rights Committee of the Chamber of Deputies and the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Senate. 

In her speech at the Chamber of Deputies and Senate of Spain, Mrs. Rajavi pointed out, “In order to survive, the regime relies on absolute repression at home on one hand and export of terrorism and fundamentalism abroad on the other hand. The regime’s rush toward nuclear weapons serves the same objective. This regime is unable to either reform or to abandon its policies. Reforms in this regime will lead to its downfall.”

While describing economically and socially critical situation of the regime with the  power struggle between its different factions and its internal feuding reaching at its peak, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance stressed, “Today, the mullahs face the critical threat of being overthrown. The most important cause of these crises is popular discontent. The major uprisings in 2009 and 2010 demonstrated Iranian society’s capacity and readiness for change……….. The mullahs have responded by stepping up executions. In November alone, 100 were hanged. Many others are on death row. According to official figures, the regime arrests 700,000 people every year.”

On examining the existing solutions vis-a-vis Tehran, Mrs. Rajavi stated, “A quick look at the past clarifies that western governments have tested all options: Critical dialogue, packages of incentives, long-term negotiations, blacklisting the Iranian opposition, ignoring the terrible human rights violations in Iran as well as the regime’s breaches of international law and terrorism. But these policies had only emboldened the mullahs to continue their extremism, terrorism and suppression.”

She welcomed intensifying the international sanctions against mullahs’ regime and stated, “Despite its economic situation, Spain admirably stopped purchasing oil from the mullahs. Nevertheless, if the sanctions are not coupled with a political solution, they will not be efficient.”

President-elect of the Resistance rejected a foreign war as a response to Iran crisis and emphasized, “The solution is overthrow of the mullahs by the Iranian people and Resistance.”

Mrs. Rajavi pointed out, “Change in Iran is the responsibility of the Iranian people. We do not expect financial aid, arms or intervention from any country. But we emphasize that the West must respect the Iranian people’s desire for regime change.” With regards to the West’s policy towards Iran, she stressed, “Regrettably, western governments, still continue the policy of appeasement……… The Iranian people expect that this policy would give way to respect for their desire for regime change.”

At the end of her speech, Mrs. Rajavi paid attention to the issue of Camps Ashraf and Liberty and constant breach of the most basic rights of the camp residents, members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran in Iraq, and emphasized, “The Iranian regime is paranoid of an organized and unified opposition movement. For this reason it has been trying to destroy it through the Iraqi government. It is therefore vital that the UNHCR declares Camp Liberty as a refugee camp and guarantees an international protection for the residents.”

Members of Spain’s Chamber of Deputies and the Senate from various political parties and trends condemned the extensive violation of the most elementary rights of the Iranian people by Tehran regime and expressed their support for the Iranian Resistance and its objectives. In their speeches, they stressed that Iran’s nuclear crisis is a serious and immediate concern for the global community and seeking a solution for this crisis is a priority for international community.

While welcoming the solution presented by Mrs. Rajavi for Iran crisis, members of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate pointed out that time has come for the Iranian Resistance to be recognized.

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