MP Delivers Resolution of Support to Iranian Opposition

ERR News (Estonian Public Broadcasting) – 22 June – At a rally held in Paris during the weekend, Chairman of the Human Rights and Political Freedoms in Iran Support Group in Parliament, Juku-Kalle Raid, delivered a resolution of support to the Iranian opposition.

Juku-Kalle Raid told that the resolution condemns the recent Iraqi Army attack on Camp Ashraf and demands elementary political rights for Iranian citizens.


According to Raid, he met with the Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi to hand over a resolution of support that had been signed by 12 MPs.

During the weekend, the Iranian opposition held a rally in Paris to commemorate the 30-year anniversary of the revolution against the fundamentalist regime in Teheran and demand democracy, free elections, and the separation of church and state for Iran.

“At the same time, people protested against the violent treatment of the Iranian refugees and members of the opposition living in Camp Ashraf on April 6, when the army unexpectedly attacked the Iranian refugees before dawn and at least 36 people were killed,” added Raid.

He said that the Iraqi authorities have refused to admit international observers to Camp Ashraf and have remained silent in the face of sharp protests.

Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi had invited representatives from 40 countries to the gathering in Paris, including MPs from many European countries. Raid noted that the event was attended by almost 100,000 Iranian political exiles from all over the world.

“Iranian fundamentalism was criticized in very sharp terms by former member of the United States House of Representatives Patrick Kennedy, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Governor Tom Ridge, Honorary President of the Human Rights League of France Henri Leclerc, and several MPs from the EU member countries,” said Raid.

According to Raid, Teheran has called the Iranian opposition a terrorist group and continues to execute people who have challenged the current regime.

Sigrid Maasen


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