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Mojahedin of Iran hailed for anti-fundamentalist resistance

Iranian Convention in CanadaNCRI – Iranian-Canadians at a convention in Toronto, on December 18, expressed their support for the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran in Ashraf City (formerly Camp Ashraf), Iraq, and for democratic change in Iran. The participants also called for an end to the mullahs’ meddling in Iraq and its efforts to export fundamentalism.
The event was sponsored by the Committee in Defense of Human Rights in Iran, the International Coalition of Women Against Fundamentalism in Canada and the Message of Democratic Association of Iran.
Distinguished Canadian, American and Iranian personalities addressed the convention which was attended by over 500 Iranians.
In a video message, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, called on supporters of the Resistance to step up their activities to haul the Iranian regime’s human rights record before the UN Security Council. She also called for intense activities to have governments recognize the Iranian people’s just resistance and revoke the discredited terrorist designation of the PMOI.
Speakers at the event offered their support for the Iranian Resistance and the third option proposed by Mrs. Rajavi for democratic change in Iran and removal of the PMOI from the list of terrorist organizations.
Yasmin Ratansi, a Liberal MP from Ontario, rejected mullahs’ president’s remarks in recent weeks as being in violation of all values respected by the world community. She said the solution to mullahs’ threat is regime change through Iranian people and expressed confidence that they are capable of achieving this goal.
Paul Forseth, a member of parliament from the Conservative Caucus of British Columbia, regretted that a bunch of mullahs have taken over Iran but at the same time was please to acknowledge the existence of a steadfast resistance movement based in Ashraf which represents a hope for a free and democratic Iran.
Expressing a similar views, Hon. David Kilgour, an independent member of the Canadian House of Commons from Alberta, hailed Ashraf residents in Farsi and gave his support to their efforts to stop mullahs’ fundamentalist expansion to Iraq.
Prof. Raymond Tanter, Chair of the Iran Policy Committee, a think tank institute in the U.S. and former senior staff member of the National Security Council, presented an analysis of the situation in the region and emphasized the need to seek a democratic change in Iran through the people and their resistance.
Calling on the Canadian government to take a tougher policy on Iran, Stockwell Day, another Conservative member of the Canadian Parliament from British Columbia, expressed his confidence on people to bring about democratic changes to Iran.
Tareq Fatah, a member of the Canadian Muslim Congress and an anti-fundamentalist writer and a TV presenter, expressed his support to the efforts of the Iranian Resistance to expose the threats of fundamentalism and said, “Renaissance in the Islamic world should start from Iran.”
Warren Creates, distinguished Canadian lawyer who had visited Ashraf city in his campaign to defend the rights of his clients residing in Iraq, spoke about the current situation in that country and the state of PMOI members residing in Ashraf.
Groups of Iranian communities and families of PMOI members in Ashraf city also addressed the convention. They condemned clerical regime’s meddling in Iraq and its conspiracies against Ashraf. They called for an intense campaign to get two PMOI members who had been abducted by mullahs’ agents in Iraq released.
In a message to the convention, the International Coalition of Women Against Fundamentalism hailed women in the Resistance for their struggle against the fundamentalist regime in Iran and gave their full support to the women in Ashraf. Their message described them as a hope for the oppressed women of Iran.