Mohaddessin: Court verdict strike the PMOI from EU terror list

NCRI – Denmark called Wednesday on the European Union to remove an Iranian opposition group from its list of terrorist organizations following a European Court of Justice ruling in its favor, according to wire reports.
The ECJ overturned last month an EU order freezing funds for the People's Mujahedeen Organization of Iran (PMOI).

"Unless an appeal is filed before February 5, the ECJ's ruling should lead the EU to strike this group from its list," Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller told reporters.

Stig Moeller spoke following a meeting of the Danish parliament's European Affairs Commission, where he said a majority of opposition politicians had come out in favor of removing the PMOI from the list.

Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the NCRI said in a telephone interview with the NCRI's website, "We welcome any appeal on the court verdict by the EU Council.
Undoubtedly, it will receive another major defeat. However, according to the December 17, 2008, court ruling an appeal will not delay the implementation of the court ruling. Thus, the PMOI is no longer on the EU terror list since the December 4, 2008 judgment."   

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