message of Mohaddessin on the death of Paul Leventhal

A message from Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chair of NCRI’s Foreign Affairs Committee, on the passing away of Paul Leventhal, President of the Nuclear Control Institute.
NCRI – Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, conveyed his profound condolences to the family of Mr. Paul Leventhal and to all those in the United States who support the cause of peace, human rights, and democratic change in Iran.  Mr. Leventhal was a longtime supporter of the Iranian Resistance with a remarkable background in fight against the threat of nuclear weapons. Mr. Leventhal passed away on March 10, at the age of 69, after a long bout with cancer.

Mr. Leventhal was among the first leading specialists and scholars in the United States to rise in defense of the NCRI activities in uncovering the mullahs’ regime nuclear activities.  He described the revelation of the nuclear threat of the mullahs ruling in Iran a policy for peace and global security.  On many occasions, he participated in Iranian Resistance’s press conferences in Washington, DC.  He continually used his own expertise to highlight and endorse the revelations made by the Iranian Resistance.

Mr. Leventhal was a leading researcher in global security program at the Cambridge University.  He started the Nuclear Control Institute in 1981.  He wrote 4 books for this institute.

Leventhal created an urgent task force in NCI to focus on preventing nuclear terrorism.  He also organized a conference in South America to prevent a nuclear race between Argentine and Brazil.  He formed a coalition of American scientists and diplomats in Washington to fight against the spread of nuclear material.
Leventhal was highly regarded among nuclear experts.  He was responsible for the research that resulted in rectification of two historic acts in the Senate.  One was the “Energy Reorganization Act of 1974” and the other was the “The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978.” The latter strengthened control over American nuclear trade to fight against nuclear terrorism.

Paul Leventhal took a very strong stance against the Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons program.  He continually called on the IAEA to follow up on all information revealed by the Iranian Resistance and not to allow the mullahs’ regime to play tricks on the international community and buy time.

In a letter the IAEA chairman, Mohammed ElBaradei, Leventhal stressed that many of NCRI’s revelations still remain to be acted upon.  In his letter, he pointed out the surprising accuracy of revelations by the NCRI which called for through investigation by the IAEA.  

In a preface to the book “The Iran Threat” by Alireza Jafarzadeh, Mr. Leventhal wrote, "This book provides a credible, compelling account of how the mullahs and the Revolutionary Guards artfully engaged in deceit, deception, and concealment to hijack a civilian program and turn in into a military one."

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