Message of Congressman Randy Weber of Texas


July 2, 2022

Hi, I am congressman Randy Weber of Texas. I have been involved with fighting terrorism, and aggression of the Iranian regime for over a decade since I have served in U.S. Congress, and I am a strong supporter of a free, democratic, non-nuclear republic Iran.

I was appalled in 2018 to find out that the Iranian regime had used a diplomatic cover to bring in a powerful bomb to blow up a huge annual gathering in Paris where hundreds of people, including many Americans could be killed.

I was pleased to see that a court in Belgium tried and convicted this terrorist, Asadollah Assadi, and sentenced him to 20 years. We took this issue very seriously in the U.S. Congress and 252 of my colleagues co-sponsored H.Res.118 which condemned this act of terrorism and called for closing down Iranian embassies.

However, I was appalled again today to find out that the Belgian Government has cut a deal with the world’s leading state-sponsor of terrorism, and plans to send its terrorists back to Iran to plot for more terrorism. This agreement is now going to be before the Belgian Parliament for approval.

I want to urge the President of the Belgium Chamber of Representatives and all Belgian parliamentarians to reject any language in the bill that would allow terrorists to go back to their terror nests. You don’t catch a killer snake that has attacked to kill you, only to put it back in the snake pit.

If this shameful deal is approved, it would turn Belgium into the safe haven for the mullahs’ terrorism. This is wrong, immoral, and would make the entire Europe and the Americas unsafe. I want to ask all my colleagues in the U.S. Congress from both sides of the aisle to raise their voices and do everything to stop appeasing the Ayatollahs.

Thank you.

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