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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceMEK: UN-Kobler Statement Breaches Neutrality; Conceals Facts: Ignores Legitimate Demands

MEK: UN-Kobler Statement Breaches Neutrality; Conceals Facts: Ignores Legitimate Demands

Camp residents call for independent investigation on demands; immediate intervention of UN Secretary General, US Secretary of State, EU High Representative and UN High Commissioner for Refugees to prevent plot for onslaught
New York, New York (United States) (OFFICIAL WIRE) June 15, 2012 Leave a Comment
…where as legal demands to recognize garrison Liberty as a ‘Refugee’ Camp have fallen to deaf ears, may not be inadvertent.

The UN Special Representative to Iraq’s latest trip to Tehran, praising the Ayatollahs’ for their role in ‘securing’ Iraq and ‘strengthening’ political change throughout the region, takes a height when meeting Iranian intelligence payrolls. The outcome of this “affair” has been a malignant statement by the UN representative, deviously placing the finger for blame on the “victims”. After more than 100 occurring breaches of obligation by Iraqi government, Mr.Kobler decides to fry the victims in a statement in breach of neutrality; while concealing facts; ignoring their legitimate demands.
The statement simply implies that the residents have been stalling the process of relocation to third countries while the Iraqi government has put all “good will” efforts to fulfill its end of the agreement.
Brushing aside ambiguities in the statement the truth has been bold in the face of silence and inactions by UN over reported violations of rights of camp residents:
Mr.Kobler’s continued call for “voluntary displacement” has been nothing but to push forward Iraqi government’s policy and to evict the residents under the United Nations’ name by force.
Unlike the hazy tone of distress reflected in the statement, the residents apparently have been very distinct and clear of their needs in “230 exchanges of letters and emails and about 40 telephone calls” along with meetings with the leadership of the residents “President, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi seven times totaling 50 hours.” *1
These demands that have been articulated in numerous letters to Mr. Kobler, Iraqi authorities and all relevant parties in the US and EU, were resent on May 27 to UN Secretary General with 1269 signatures of Ashraf residents:
•  SRSG will not permit any interference of Iranian regime against its opponents in Camp Ashraf and Liberty.
• All the agreements and commitments related to the fifth convoy, mainly women, will be fulfilled by GOI (6 utility vehicles, 25 trucks to transfer their belongings, 6 special trailers and 3 vehicles of the paraplegic patients).
• All the provisions of SRSG letters, particularly about the police, 10 passenger cars for every convoy, a precise date for connection of Liberty to the city water network and power grid, construction, green area and plant trees will be guaranteed and implemented before any other move.
• Liberty legal status will be recognized as a refugee camp.
• UN guarantees selling all Ashraf moveable and immoveable assets or transferring moveable assets to another country/ or Iraqi Kurdistan;
•  U.S. will inspect Camp Ashrafas soon as possible
Recently 220 European representatives in a statement criticized the designation of Camp Liberty as a Temporary Transit Location by Iraq and the UN special envoy Martin Kobler. “All indications point to the fact that people will have to stay in Camp Liberty for several years; therefore, calling Liberty a TTL – designated for a stay of a maximum of a few weeks, is erroneous. The UN and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees must recognize Camp Liberty as a refugee camp under international protection.
Mr. Alei Vidal Quadras, Vice President of the European Parliament commented on Mr. Koblers’ lack of neutrality;
“Despite repeated statements by the UNHCR, including statements of February 1st, March 1st, and March 28th, the residents do not have the right of passage, have no access to their lawyers, and their relatives are not permitted to enter Iraq or Liberty/Ashraf. Liberty is, by all means, a prison. And instead of improving these conditions, Mr. Kobler’s mandate seems to be, first and above all, closing Ashraf at any price and piling up the residents in Liberty Prison. This has caused us all frustration and dismay. One of the Iraqi government’s excuses for violating these standards is that Liberty is a Temporary Transit Location (TTL). This designation relates to conditions where the expectation was that the UNHCR’s process would take at most 6 months and the residents would be fast relocated outside Iraq, while according to UNAMI and the U.S. government, most of the residents will, under the optimum conditions, stay at Liberty for at least 2 years.”(ISJ Statement, May 30, 2012)
The root of the corruption goes back to Tehran and its existential need to curb or dismantle its main enemy; the MEK.
Mr. Koblers’ report of his visit to Camp Liberty on May 27 this year, coupled with a deliberately hazy statement has provided the best alibi for the clerics and the hostile Iraqi government to set the stage for a bloodbath.
According to sources, copies of the classified report have reached; Khamenei’s office in Tehran, Iranian regime’s National Security Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Intelligence, Revolutionary Guards Corps, Qods terrorist force and the Iranian Embassy in Baghdad, and the Iraqi government. Evidently it is an introverted account of demands and needs of the residents which holds camp residents responsible for delays for the relocation to third countries.
Unfortunately the cycle of disastrous effects of the UN representative’s compromise with the “butchers” of camp Ashraf, have yet to be experienced.
The Al-Iraqiya state television, reported on April 24, Faleh Fayaz Al-Ameri- Iraqi President Security Advisor announcing:
“Mr. Martin Kobler,
Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Iraq, has talked in details with Iraqi*2 and Iranian parties through the Iranian Embassy or other channels communicating with Iran in order to provide the requirements for implementation of the understanding which has been agreed on between him and Iraq to close camp Ashraf and put an end to the presence of this organization on Iraqi territory. Talks included the mechanisms and Iran’s role in what has to be done to solve this matter”
Under these circumstances, an immediate and active intervention is needed by the UN Secretary General, the US Secretary of State, the EU High Representative and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to underscore the rights of Liberty residents and prevent any misuse by the Government of Iraq.
The UN cannot act above the international Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions.
Humanitarian and human rights standards such as freedom of movement, free access to lawyers, property rights or those rights which have been stipulated in the refugee laws are the basic rights of Camp Liberty residents; that cannot be neglected because of political compromise.
*1: Statement of NCRI June 12, 2012
*2: News Central Unit, a mullahs’ regime TV station, quoted Mr. Maliki as saying that the Ashraf residents are the terrorist and criminal ‘Monafeqin’ [the I ranian regime’s derogatory term to describe the PMOI] and none of them will remain in Iraq by April; the Iraqi court has issued arrest warrants for 121 members of the ‘Monafeqin’ on the charge of involvement in terrorist actions, and these people are still in Ashraf.
Iranian regime’s English-language TV station (PRESS TV) also quoted Mr. Maliki as saying, “We will no longer tolerate the presence of the MKO on Iraqi soil. This is an internationally sanctioned terrorist organization.. . As of today, we’ve issued 120 arrest warrants for MKO operatives inside Camp Ashraf”