Medvedev tells Iranian regime to resolve doubts about its nuke program

NCRI – The Iranian regime “should resolve the international community’s doubts regarding its nuclear program and convince us in its peaceful nature,” Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday. He was speaking at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

According to the Russian news agency RIA Novosti, he characterized the talks with the regime as “difficult” and said he had recently informed the mullahs’ President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad about this.

RIA Novosti added, “The recent Istanbul talks between Iranian officials and the Iran Six group of international mediators, which comprises Russia, the United States, China, Britain, France and Germany, saw no progress, with Tehran rejecting calls to cease uranium enrichment and allow improved UN monitoring of Iran’s nuclear activities.

“World powers suspect Iran of pursuing a secret nuclear weapons program, but the Islamic Republic insists it needs nuclear power solely for civilian purposes.”

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