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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceMayor Guiliani: UN should sack SRSG Kobler for allowing Camp Liberty to...

Mayor Guiliani: UN should sack SRSG Kobler for allowing Camp Liberty to become a Killing field.

Former New York mayor Rudy Guiliani has condemnend as ‘cold blooded murder’ the deadly rocket attack on Camp Liberty which killed six and left at least 100 injured.
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He demanded that the United States keep its promise to protect the residents of the squalid ‘prison’ near Baghdad airport until they can be moved back to Camp Ashraf and onto safe countries.

Mr Guiliani – in office in New York during the 2001 terrorist attacks – said the UN should fire its envoy to Iraq Martin Kobler for allowing Liberty to become a ‘killing field’.

The former mayor told a conference of 1,500 Iranian-Americans in Washington DC on Saturday he had originally intended to speak about the achievement of delisting the Iranian resistance as a terror group, and to recognise them as an alternative to the brutal regime in Iran.

But he said: “Today tragically we’re forced to deal with something more immediate.  Today we’re forced to deal with murder, cold blooded murder, which occurred just a few hours ago.

“Shame on the United Nations and shame on the United States Department of State. Shame on you.”

He added: “These murders did not have to take place. These people moved at the urging of the United Nations and Secretary of State of the United States. They were under the protection of the United Nations and the United States.  There was no reason for this move.  We said that a year ago.

“These people were in Ashraf. These people could have been relocated from Ashraf to any number of countries.  But the United Nations, United States Department of State, the Iraqi government insisted on it.”

Camp Liberty not only a concentration camp, it’s a killing field

Mr Guiliani said that a year ago he told Mr Kobler that Liberty would become a concentration camp, adding: “Well, Martin Kobler, it is not only a concentration camp, it’s a killing field.  And you, Martin Kobler, watched it become a concentration camp.

“You allowed it to become a concentration camp and you permitted it to become a killing field.  You shouldn’t resign.  Ban Ki-moon should fire you today.

“Martin Kobler, I am personally outraged because you lied to me, you lied to Judge Mukasey, you lied right to our face.  You lied to Madam Rajavi Jaffe.  You’re a liar and the blood of these people is on your hands.”

But he said the US also needed to share responsibility for Liberty because they had promised to protect its residents.

He told delegates: “First of all, when these people originally gave up their arms, they handed them over to the United States military.  And they were solemnly promised the protection of the United States of America.

Where was the United States to vindicate its promise of protection?

Although the UN had been ‘fairly useless’ at solving the world’s problems, the word of the United States of America was ‘solemn and precious’ and that word had been ‘broken over and over again’, he said.

Mr Guiliani added: “Not only were they promised protection, but in October of 2011, Secretary Hillary Clinton told the United States Congress that America has a good plan which is to move Camp Ashraf residents to Camp Liberty.  

“Secretary Clinton, in her statement on December 25, 2011, regarding the relocation to Camp Liberty, stated that United States, quote ‘welcomes this important step toward a humane resolution to the ongoing situation at Ashraf’.

“She also stated that ‘officials from the United States Embassy Baghdad will visit Camp Liberty regularly and frequently’.

“They have not visited regularly and frequently. And when the attack took place this morning and people were being murdered and rockets were being fired into the camp, where was the United States to vindicate its promise of protection?  Nowhere in sight.

“This is dishonorable.  The United States must stand by its promise.  The president of the United States should lead from the front, not from behind.”

Mr Guiliani sent his condolences to all those who lost loved ones and friends in the attack, and said: “We stand with you now with even more conviction and with even more determination that these lives will not have been lost in vain.

“And it will lead under the leadership of Madam Rajavi and your organization, to an Iran that is free, democratic, to an Iran that respects human rights and to an Iran that is peaceful and non-nuclear.  We double our commitment.  We triple our commitment.  And we will not rest until these goals are achieved.”