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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceMaryam Rajavi's Christmas and New Year Greetings

Maryam Rajavi’s Christmas and New Year Greetings

Dear friends,

2013 arrives. And 2012 came to an end.
This year we put behind us a year full of important developments.
We had a lot of achievements for the Iranian Resistance especially for Mojahedin in Ashraf and Liberty and also for the people of Iran.
These included as the international campaigns to get global condemnations of the violation of human rights.
In particular, we achieved success in removing the Mojahedin from all terrorist lists around the world. 

Now we are faced with a decisive year and I would like to extend my best wishes to you for your happiness, health and success. 
It is an honor for us to be supported by those who believe in what symbolizes equality, peace and freedom.
In quest of democracy the peoples of the region continue their revolt against dictators.
They paid a heavy price and now the people of Syria are nearing the end of the dictatorship of the Syria.
The world became fully aware that the representatives of the people must be recognized.
This must also be done for the Iranian people.
The people of the region have shown that they are aware and they do not want to retreat in the face of fundamentalists who are the enemy of values of all religions.
But the mullahs spread hate and discord in the region.
This is why we continue this path to defend the rights of the Iranian people and their pioneers in Ashraf and Liberty.
Last year, we, hand-in-hand with you, fought to remove the terror label.
Today, we are fighting for regime change.
Last year, we defended Ashrafis in the face of plots to massacre and destroy them.
This year, we are fighting for their rights.
Last year, the world took a major step forward by imposing oil sanctions on the mullahs.
This year, it must side with the Iranian people desire to get rid of religious fascism.
Yes, we and you, with the help of our people, can bring peace to the world and freedom to Iran; a democratic, non-nuclear Iran that respects and is friends with other countries.
I wish you all a very good year in 2013.
I hail all the values Jesus Christ represented, which are also the values of Islam, namely peace, fraternity and justice.  
We will succeed with your solidarity and support as we demonstrated in 2012.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Best Wishes