Maryam Rajavi: We expect a firm stance from the West

NCRI – Italy’s top weekly, Panorama, published an exclusive interview with the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi on its July 3 issue.

In the interview, Mrs. Rajavi declared: “With the people’s nationwide uprising, a new page has turned in Iran, which makes the trend of developments irreversible, and points to the beginning of the end for the religious dictatorship ruling Iran.”

Question: What is your opinion about what is happening in Iran right now?

Maryam Rajavi: These developments signal the beginning of the end for the religious dictatorship. On the one hand, suffice it to note the slogans of ‘Death to dictator’ and ‘Death to absolute clerical rule.’ On the other hand, the mullahs’ regime has started a bloody suppression in order to guarantee its survival. A new page has turned in Iran which makes the situation irreversible. The country’s youth have raised their voices and demand an end to this regime. The second development concerns the feuds within the ruling system. And, the third development points to the refutation of the irrational presumption about moderation within the regime, which has been one of the foundations of the West’s course of action. There is no possibility of reform within the Iranian regime.

Question: Are the protests limited to Tehran?

Maryam Rajavi: The protests have spread to encompass the whole country. This is a nationwide movement which covers all major cities like Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad, and Tabriz.

Question: Are women at the forefront?

Maryam Rajavi: Indeed, the widespread presence of women on the streets is not limited to one instance. Iran is ruled by a misogynist regime. During these years, the heaviest burden and pressure has been placed on women.

Question: What is the extent of solidarity among the people and protestors?

Maryam Rajavi: People leave their doors open for those injured or escaping arrest. The regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps enter hospitals to take away the wounded, but have faced resistance from medical personnel. Today, the social atmosphere of Iran reflects the solidarity and unity which we witnessed during 1978 and 1979 (the period which marked the downfall of the Shah).

Question: You are the number one adversary of the Iranian regime, which calls the PMOI terrorist. What are your demands for Iran?

Maryam Rajavi: Finding a peaceful solution with the mullahs is a mirage. We call on all world governments not to allow the regime to exploit their relations with it. The international community, including Italy, must end the policy of appeasement with the mullahs’ regime. We expect a resolute and firm policy vis-à-vis the regime. Political, diplomatic, oil, and technological embargoes must be imposed on the regime, and in the meantime, the Iranian people’s Resistance, which struggles for democracy, must be supported.

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