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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceMaryam Rajavi warns West against concessions to Iranian mullahs in nuclear talks

Maryam Rajavi warns West against concessions to Iranian mullahs in nuclear talks


Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran said on Saturday (November 8, 2014) that the Iranian regime continues their pursuit of nuclear weapons which they consider the guarantor of their survival.

Speaking at a conference at the NCRI’s headquarters in Auvers-sur-Oise, a suburb of Paris, Mrs. Rajavi said: “The mullahs still insist on manufacturing the nuclear bomb. They are not confident about their future and seek the bomb as the guarantor of their survival.”

Mrs. Rajavi told scores of French dignitaries and attendants at the conference titled “Victory for Justice, Legitimacy for Iranian Resistance” that the interim agreement between Tehran and P5+1, signed last November, should lead to a comprehensive agreement that puts an end to the mullahs’ quest for the nuclear bomb. But from the time the mullahs realized that their hand-picked government in Iraq was destined for failure, Ali Khamenei, the regime’s leader, changed his tone. The mullahs’ about face is due to shifting calculations regarding the consequences of a nuclear agreement, which they now see as exponentially devastating.

According to Mrs. Rajavi, another element that contributed to the mullahs’ brazenness was repeated concessions by the West. Those concessions included not insisting on the implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions on Iran’s nuclear program to increasing the number of centrifuges that the regime is allowed to have. As a result of this policy, the regime “was emboldened to seek more concessions from the West or to buy time to keep open its path to nuclear bombs.”

On the verge of the November 24 deadline for a comprehensive agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, Mrs. Rajavi warned that any agreement should include complete implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions, an absolute halt to all enrichment, acceptance of Additional Protocol, and snap inspections from all the suspicious sites in Iran.

President-elect of the Iranian Resistance reiterated that Western governments have kept silent on escalating human rights violations in Iran and the mullahs’ exportation of mass terror in the region in order to obtain the clerical regime’s agreement in the talks. She said this policy has only resulted in emboldening the Iranian regime. Thus, any agreement should include a halt on the executions and torture in Iran as well as an end to the clerical regime’s belligerent polices in the region.

French dignitaries attending the conference included Henri Leclerc, the honorary President of the French League of Human Rights, Yves Bonnet, the former head of DST, the French counter-intelligence agency, and Abderrahmane Dahmane, President of the Council of Muslim Democrats of France. They expressed their support for the Iranian resistance in their remarks. A significant number of representatives of Iranian youth associations from Europe took part in the event.

Mrs. Rajavi reviewed the despicable human rights record during the presidency of Hassan Rouhani, including the new wave of acid-attacks against women, suppression of ethnic and religious minorities, and the exponential increase in executions, including the execution of Reyhaneh Jabbari whose sole crime was defending herself against egregious physical abuses.

Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that this regime cannot survive without the execution of the youth and the suppression of women since it is very fragile and fearful of popular uprising. This regime is the primary patron of fanaticism and the main exporter of crisis and terrorism in Iraq and Syria. This export of terror is a vital component of the regime as it is submerged in irremediable political, social, and economic crisis.

Mrs. Rajavi also addressed the issue of the pressures exerted by the clerical regime and its agents in Iraq on Iranian dissidents residing in Camp Liberty, Iraq, that includes members the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the principal Iranian opposition movement.

She demanded that Camp Liberty be recognized as a refugee camp and be placed under the supervision of the UN, and all sieges on the camp, in particular the medical siege, be put away and the minimum needs of the camp for safety and security of the residents be guaranteed.

