Maryam Rajavi: Season’s greeting

Dear friends,

2012 arrives.
We passed a year full of important events. We shared moments of joy and moments of pain.
Now we face a critical year and I would like to present my best wishes for happiness, health and success.

Last year with the solidarity of parliamentarians, personalities and all of you, human rights activists, we have prevented the mullahs and their allies to massacre the residents of Ashraf.

It is an honor to be supported by those who believe in  brotherhood, peace and freedom that symbolizes Christmas.

With the patience of the residents of Ashraf and all your efforts, we mobilized the international community.

In quest of democracy, the people of the region have risen up in the Arab spring to bring peace and freedom in their country.

But the mullahs want to spread hatred and division in the région. But we can overcome religious fascism religieux. we still have a way to go together to restore the rights of Ashraf residents, to remove the PMOI from the blacklist of the U.S. and to bring the spring of freedom and democracy in Iran.

We can do it and we must do it. This is a story that we write it all together

Because we will pay the price. It is possible to build a world of peace and security but only Iran with a democratic, non-nuclear Iran that respects popular sovereignty.

I wish you all a happy new year and I salute all the values ??of Jesus, peace, brotherhood and justice that are the key to all victories.

We will succeed with your solidarity and support.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Best Wishes

Maryam Rajavi

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