Maryam Rajavi meets President of Belgium Senate

NCRI- Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran met on Wednesday with Sabine de Bethune, the President of the Belgium Senate in Brussels.

During the meeting in the Belgium Senate Mrs. Rajavi thanked Mrs. de Bethune for her support and the support by Belgium Senate and Parliament as well as the people of that country.

Mrs. Rajavi said that the people of Iran are not only fighting to free themselves from the oppression of mullahs’ regime but also they are standing against a regime which is exporting terrorism and fundamentalism to the region and is the number one enemy of peace and democracy in the world.

Mrs. Rajavi explained the crimes of the Iranian regime against the members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Ashraf and Camp Liberty. She particularly referred to the Feb. 9 deadly rocket attack against PMOI members in Camp Liberty prison by the Iranian regime with collaboration by its affiliates within the government of Iraq as the most obvious example of this policy by the clerical regime.

She said that regime which is faced with explosive discontent in Iranian society, sees its only chance of overcoming this impasse in attacking and killing its main opposition.


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