Maryam Rajavi Highlights Iran’s Worsening Human Rights Situation in Meeting with Norway’s Parliament

Maryam Rajavi's speech in Norway - 2014On February 26, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Maryam Rajavi, met with members of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense in Norwegian Parliament (Strortinget), as well as representatives from other committees in the Norwegian Parliament to discuss current concerns in Iran. At the meeting, Maryam Rajavi highlighted the worsening situation of abused human rights currently transpiring in Iran. Specifically, she notes the rise in executions.

In her continued effort toward the advancement and support of human rights in Iran, Maryam Rajavi encouraged her supporters to take action toward helping members held in Camp Liberty. She emphasized the importance to help secure and protect Camp Liberty members in order to avoid a humanitarian disaster. There are approximately 3,000 members of the Iranian opposition (PMOI/MEK) being held at Camp Liberty. To guarantee the security and protection of those in Camp Liberty, Maryam Rajavi calls upon the international community to demonstration their support for those affected by this human rights situation by becoming involved. The members of the Norwegian Parliament participated in the open discussion with Maryam Rajavi, providing their own analysis on the violations of human rights in Iran.

In addition to supporting the residents of Camp Liberty, Maryam Rajavi advocates for the rights of Iranian women. She believes that women represent an important role in the fight to achieve democracy in Iran. Political leaders, women’s rights activist, and human rights activists from around the world, along with Maryam Rajavi participated in the International Women’s Day Conference held March 1st, in Paris.

In a her speech at the conference, Maryam Rajavi lectured the role of the clerical regime as the epicenter of fundamentalism:

“Indeed, the ideal of equality is alive, but not just because of depravations, humiliations and oppression; rather, because a generation of women has arisen to overthrow dictatorships in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Ukraine, Syria and Iraq; women who are intent on toppling the religious dictatorship ruling Iran.

Indeed, rest assured that ultimately, these oppressed women will overthrow the ruling theocracy in Iran.

Similarly, the bombing and the massacre of Iraq’s defenseless citizens are commanded by the Quds Force and carried out by Iraqi forces. There is hardly any country in the Middle East and in the Islamic World that has been spared the Iranian regime’s provocations and terrorism.

Despite the fact that the mullahs have turned Iran into the epicenter of fundamentalism, owing to the Iranian people’s history of struggle and their culture, and by relying on five decades of perseverance of the People’s Mojahedin, Iran is the epicenter of liberation from fundamentalism and, at the same time, the epicenter of women’s emancipation and equality.

The Islamic fundamentalism thrives on inequality while continuously causing oppression and discrimination. Therefore, if the regime were to abandon misogyny, the ruling theocracy would collapse. Thus, neither Khatami nor Rouhani, who launched a charm offensive of reform and moderation, did not and do not even get close to easing the oppression and subjugation of Iranian women. Because doing so would mean the beginning of the end of the regime.”

Since becoming the leader of the Resistance campaign, Maryam Rajavi has dedicated her life to leading the worldwide effort to expose the violation of human rights in Iran; furthermore to expose the terrorism and fundamentalism and its attempt to acquire nuclear weapons.  She also aims to educate supporters about the goals and objectives of the Iranian Resistance.  


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