Maryam Rajavi described Iranian election as farce – EFE

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, president -elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), described the elections held in Iran as a farce and called on the international community to abandon its policy of “appeasement” toward the Iranian regime, the Spanish news agency EFE reported on Friday.
Elections are “totally illegitimate” and "boycotted by the Iranian people”, President of the NCRI told EFE in an interview form the Council’s headquarter is suburb of Paris.

“The NCRI says that in a large number of the 25,000, out of a the total of about 45,000 polling stations in Iran, which were monitored by the network of Iranian resistance, there were more police officers or other agents than voters,” EFE reprted.

The international community “must recognize that the elections are illegitimate,” EFE quoted Mrs. Rajavi.

Mrs. Rajavi stated that after this election, the regime will be more fragile and extremist, and the parliament will push for “producing the nuclear bomb,” “domination in Iraq and Lebanon” and “more suppression in Iran.” 

The only hope against the threat of religious fascism is a democratic change in Iran by the Resistance, Mrs. Rajavi said in the interview.

Rajavi called on the western powers to recognize the “legitimacy” of the Iranian resistance, and in specific refer to the Europeans, called on them to comply with court rulings that have ordered that the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)  be removed from the list of terrorist organizations, EFE reported.

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