Maryam Rajavi celebrating removal of judicial restrictions at her residence

Maryam Rajavi celebrating removal of judicial restrictions at her residenceNCRI – Following removal of judicial restrictions against Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the NCRI, and several members and supporters of the Iranian Resistance by Paris court of appeals, dozens of Iranian and French sympathizers of the Resistance went to Auvers-sur-Oise, to congratulate Mrs. Rajavi at her residence.

Mayors of Auvers-sur-Oise and Cergy, two major towns in northern Paris province of Val d’Oise also attended the gathering at Rajavi’s residence. 

The restrictions imposed against Iranian resistance was the result of a dirty deal with the Iranian regime as part of the policy of appeasement of the mullahs’ in Iran. Condemning the appeasement policy by the West, the President-elect of the Resistance told the gathering, “Continuation of this policy is morally wrong and politically a fatal blunder. The time has come for European Union to reconsider its policies."

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