Maryam Rajavi at France Libertes Foundation – 30 Years of Friendship With Iranian People and its Resistance

By France Liberters Foundation

The Danielle Mitterrand-France Libertés Foundation welcomed on Wednesday, May 22, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and a delegation of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) who offered the Foundation a bust of Danielle Mitterrand in gratitude to a long friendship of 30 years with the Iranian people and its resistance for democracy and fundamental freedoms.


Paying tribute to “a protective sister” always present alongside members and supporters of the Iranian Resistance in their darkest days, the President elect of the NCRI said: “Today, the Iranian people and their vanguard in Liberty and Ashraf camps fight a tough battle against the religious dictatorship in order to establish a democratic republic and the separation of religion and state. Liberty residents are exposed to all kinds of threats and conspiracies of the clerical regime and the government depending on him in Baghdad. They are deprived of the basic means of life and medical care, which has led to the death of many residents. But they know they are not alone and that the torch of Danielle Mitterrand shines in the hands of her Foundation’s heirs.”

“I would like to thank France Libertés Foundation for its tireless efforts in defending the Iranian resistance’s rights in Ashraf and Liberty, and human rights in Iran,” Mrs. Rajavi added.

The France Libertés Foundation’s Chair, Gilbert Mitterrand thanked Mrs. Rajavi for the symbolic gift of the Iranian Resistance, which will be placed besides the bust of François Mitterrand in his mother’s office. He reiterated Danielle’s commitment for a free and democratic Iran and especially her commitment to the protection of the members of the Iranian Resistance, who are refugees in Iraq, in Liberty and Ashraf camps. Emphasizing his concern for their safety following the deadly attack last February at Camp Liberty by dozens of rockets, Gilbert Mitterrand demanded their return to Camp Ashraf, where they will be relatively safer, before a possible transfer to third countries.

France Libertés will follow Danielle’s footsteps in supporting the Iranian Resistance’s objectives to establish human rights in Iran and will continue to stand with Ashraf residents as long as their life and integrity will be in danger, said Michel Joli, France Libertés’ General Secretary on behalf of the Foundation’s Bureau and staff, who attended the ceremony.

Bronze bust, sculpted by Mr. Reza Olia, sculptor, member of the NCRI, made on Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s as a thank for the courageous positions expressed by Danielle Mitterrand in defense of the Iranian people’s resistance.

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