Maryam Rajavi addresses Euro Council’s Socialist Group meeting

Maryam Rajavi addresses Euro Council's Socialist Group meetingNCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, was invited to a meeting by the Socialist Group of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Wednesday, April 12.

Mr. Lluís Maria de Puig, chairman of the Socialist Group opened the meeting by welcoming Mrs. Rajavi and offered the floor to her.

Mrs. Rajavi thanked the socialist group and its Chair for the opportunity given to the Iranian Resistance to be heard in its group meeting and then drew the attention of the members to the threats posed by Iranain regime and said: "By resuming uranium enrichment using 164 centrifuges in cascade, the mullahs’ regime openly defied the call by the UN Security Council’s Presidential Statement to halt all its enrichment activities.” She then reiterated, “this, once again, proved that hesitation will only embolden the mullahs in their nuclear ambitions.”

“Today the world stands at a dangerous cross road. On one hand there is a prospect of having a fundamentalist dictatorship with nuclear weapons and on the other hand there exists the prospect of another deadly war in the region.  But the international community is not bound to choose between the two,” said Mrs. Rajavi, referring to the current nuclear standoff with the Iranian regime. She said, “there is a third option: a democratic change through Iranian people and their organized resistance.  Appeasement of the mullahs will not prevent the war but will in fact raise the possibility.  The world must react promptly. We don’t have much time.”

“For years, the West had offered all possible concessions to the mullahs in Iran.  On behest of the regime the European Union proscribed one of the members of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran,” said Mrs. Rajavi and added, “today, due to this, fundamental freedom of expression and the chance for the truth about Iran to prevail is under attack.  This is despite the fact that the European Union has emphasized that its terror list does not include the NCRI.”

More over Mrs. Rajavi noted, “the British Foreign Secretary recently stated that he put the PMOI in the terror list on behest of the Iranian regime. This label has no real or judicial base.”

6500 lawyers and jurists from across the world, including Lord Slynn of Hadley, former European Court Justice, and over 2000 parliamentarians have denounced PMOI’s listing as a terrorist group in their recent statements.

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