Luxembourg MPs support return to Camp Liberty residents to Ashraf

NCRI – Luxembourg MPs have demanded an end to human rights abuses in Iran, the abolition of the death penalty and the overthrow of the tyrannical regime.

The majority of parliament members also expressed their deep concern over the plight of Camp Liberty residents, whose lives are at risk from deadly missile attacks at any moment.

The MPs have issued a strong-worded statement calling for a change to democracy in the oppressive, theocratic state this year.

It read: “We express our horror at the systematic violation of human rights in Iran, which continues despite widespread international condemnation.

“The Iranian people and the international community seek a change to democracy, which should happen this year in Iran. This change provides a pluralistic republic based on the separation of religion and state, equality between men and women and the abolition of the death penalty and calls for a nuclear-free Iran.

“We ask the international community and the UN Secretary-General urgently to bring the human rights situation in Iran before the UN Security Council to stop human rights violations in Iran.”

The MPs also said they remained ‘deeply concerned’ about the safety of Iranian refugees at Camp Liberty, where nine died and more than 100 were injured in a rocket attack on February 9.

They added: “The most pressing issue is the safety of the residents of Camp Liberty; new tragedies can happen at any moment.

“The US government, the EU and the United Nations are being asked to prevent the recurrence of genocidal crime in Liberty, before it is too late.

“The case is compelling: it is either to move all residents to a safe country, even if only on a temporary basis.

“If this is not possible, we ask the UNHCR, to immediately return the residents to Ashraf, their home for 26 years. They are safer there against such attacks because the buildings are stronger.

“In addition, the terrain is eight times larger than the half square kilometers of Liberty prison. Then from there they can then be relocated to safe third countries.”

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