Italian Lawmakers Call for New Policy on Iran

italy conference parliament resistance rajavi

Today, April 12, at a press conference in Rome, Italy, Italian lawmakers announced a new cross-party initiative calling for a new approach and policy on Iran.

Besides calling for the terrorist designation of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards, members of the Italian Senate and Parliament discussed the nationwide uprising that has advanced across Iran for almost seven months, its impact and consequences, as well as the regime’s countermeasures, e.g. the chain chemical attacks against students across the country.



Senator Giulio Terzi 

It is important to understand the situation in Iran. Mrs. Rajavi and the people of Ashraf 3 represent the Iranian people, and they represent the Iranian society abroad. They have established a resistance movement that has become a driving force for freedom. The martyrs of the resistance have sacrificed their lives to stand against this regime. 

The work you are doing in parliament is very important to us. We share our destiny with you, which is why we need to keep this relationship with you. The regime has tried to destroy any kind of resistance and you have stood up against this regime. The regime is trying to quell any kind of resistance, which is what we’re seeing with the poisoning in schools.  

Ashraf 3 symbolizes the will to resist the regime. A delegation from the Italian Parliament should go to Ashraf 3 to better understand what is happening. The recent resolution in the Italian Senate expresses its solidarity with the Iranian Resistance and against the mullahs’ suppression of the Iranian people. The regime doesn’t want you to have freedom of thought, but they can’t prevent you. Whoever believes in freedom stands with you. 

Western countries should see for themselves what is going on in Iran. The resolution of the Italian Senate is very important and shows the solidarity of the Italian people and their representatives with the Iranian people. I think it should be the basis of our foreign policy toward the regime in Iran. As has been emphasized in [Maryam Rajavi’s] ten-point plan, the regime must be replaced by an interim government that will enable the people to choose the state they want to live in. 

We should not give in to the demands of this regime. The IRGC must be put on the list of terrorist organizations. We should not allow the regime to use its diplomatic facilities for terrorist activities. 

Emanuele Pozzolo, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Parliament

A visit to Ashraf 3 will help us better understand the situation in Iran and the Iranian Resistance. The regime has objected to the Italian government about our visit to Ashraf. This makes us proud. We must express our solidarity with the Iranian people. The regime is used to spreading lies around the world. We must stand up to these lies. The foreign policy of Western countries must be based on reality, not the lies of the regime. In my meetings with Mrs. Rajavi, I realized that they are determined to achieve freedom for their people, and they are willing to make sacrifices. We cannot ignore and close our eyes to these facts. They have a strong desire to achieve freedom in Iran. 


Senator Marco Scurria 

Politicians in Italy must take into consideration that the Iranian people need strong support. Our initiative is to support the Iranian people and their resistance movement. We would like to bring to the table the issue of Iran in the next meeting of the Human Rights Council. I believe that the uprising in Iran, which we must describe as a revolution, will not go away.  

We will support this revolution until its end. The media and social media in our countries can be helpful for countries in Iran to help connect Iranians with other people to promote the issue of freedom for the Iranian people. The continuation of this legitimate resistance gives us the opportunity to stand with the people for human rights. We have to take many initiatives to promote these values. Besides demonstrations and protests in front of the Iranian embassy, we must also show our solidarity with the Iranian diaspora and promote the ideals of the Iranian people. Many Iranians in exile have seen terrible scenes in Iran. We must listen to them and take this seriously.  

Dictators cannot take the destiny of nations into their hands forever. Iranians don’t want to return to the previous dictatorship. We support the objectives of the NCRI. They correspond to our values. It is also the request of the Iranian people. We are happy to see that Iranians are determined to build their country based on democratic values and lead their country toward democracy. 

Andrea Di Giuseppe, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Parliament

We must see a change in the policy of Western governments. The question of Iran must not only be an issue of ordinary people. It must be taken into consideration in the policies of European governments because without a firm policy and actions, and clear decisions against this regime, we will not be able to achieve our goals. We need firmness. We are facing a regime that is an insult against humanity and even Islam, the religion that it claims to represent. The pressure on the regime must be very strong. The need to increase the pressure on the Iranian regime is being felt at the international level. We also need to stand in solidarity with the Iranian people. 

Today, the regime is siding with Russia in its fight against Ukraine. This is against international peace. This is being discussed on social media, but it must not only stay at that level. We need to see concrete action against the regime, diplomatic actions, or other measures that put more pressure on the regime. They must know that the decisions they make will have consequences. Unfortunately, suppression in Iran and the dangers and threats against the Iranian people and the international community is not being relayed enough in the media. 


MP Stefania Ascari, Italian Chamber of Deputies 

I think all lawmakers should visit the Ashraf 3 museum and see what the people of Iran have endured. These people have resisted in the past forty years, and they continue to resist to achieve a free and democratic country. I must emphasize that in Parliament we must do everything we can to stand in solidarity with them. We must not stay quiet, and we must stand with the Iranian people. We must be responsible about the information that we have to stand up alongside these people. 


Senator Giulio Terzi 

Mrs. Rajavi and the NCRI are the true voice of the Iranian people. She represents the Iranian people’s desire for democracy. I would like to emphasize one point: many international politicians are saying every day for the past 10-12 years about the threat of the destabilizing activities of the regime in the region and its terrorist activities. We must take this threat very seriously and deal with this monster seriously. 

They are trying to obtain nuclear weapons. They are playing a destructive role in Ukraine. This regime is exporting terrorism to other parts of the world. They are gathering weapons and smuggling them to other parts of the world. The regime is going against international norms. We must concentrate on this in our parliament, and we must pursue the correct policy for future generations. The IRGC must be dealt with correctly. 

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