LIVE COVERAGE: Huge March in Berlin for Regime Change in Iran

Huge March in Berlin for Regime Change in Iran

Iranians are attending a huge march in Berlin today in solidarity with anti-regime protesters in Iran and in support of regime change and democracy in Iran. Supporters of the main democratic opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (Mujahedin-e Khalq, PMOI or MEK) in the German capital are calling on EU leaders to end appeasement of the mullahs’ regime and recognize the right of Iranian people to liberate themselves from religious tyranny. The NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee website will be covering the event live as it unfolds.


NCRI Foreign Affiars Committee Chair Mohammad Mohaddessin

19.50: NCRI Foreign Affiars Committee Chair Mohammad Mohaddessin reiterates the Iranian people’s strong will to overthrow the mullahs’ regime in Iran:

“Massoud Rajavi had called on all Iranians to come to the streets of Europe to show the will of the Iranian people. Your presence here today shows your determination for the overthrow of this regime.”

“We promise not to give in an inch until the end. You represent the people of Iran who can’t come to the street. You represent their will to establish a free and democratic Iran.”

“The mercenaries and agents of the Iranian regime must be expelled from Europe. The agents of the Iranian regime should not be tolerated in foreign countries. They are causing insecurity in Europe. We demand that they all be put on trial and expelled.”

“To those who are helping this regime, our message is that the time for these games has ended. The true solution for Iran is the overthrow of this regime.”

German human rights campaigner Christian Zimmermann

19.45: German human rights campaigner Christian Zimmermann, tells the rally: “The mullahs have stayed in power through suppression and efforts to acquire nuclear weapons. We support democracy in Iran.”

Leo Dautzenberg, a former Member of the German Bundestag

19.40: Leo Dautzenberg, a former Member of the German Bundestag, is addressing the MEK’s supporters at the Free Iran rally in Berlin: “This regime is answering the demands of the people by suppressing them.”

Polish MP Michal Kaminski

19.35: Polish MP Michal Kaminski is addressing the Free Iran rally and expressing hope that we’ll soon celebrate in a free Iran:

“We cannot feel free while the dictatorship in Iran is still acting against its people. We support sanctions against the Iranian regime. We believe these sanctions are directed not against the people of Iran but against the fascist regime in Tehran. The politicians who are acting against the people of Iran are unfortunately ruling your country today. Hopefully we will soon be in a free Iran as we are in a free Berlin today.”

Senator Gerry Horkan of Ireland

19.30: Senator Gerry Horkan of Ireland is addressing the Free Iran rally on the vast support enjoyed by the NCRI across Europe and beyond:

“We are with you and the brave people of Iran in your noble quest for freedom and democracy. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi is a trailblazer for freedom in Iran.”

“We have a crossparty movement in our parliament to adopt a firm policy toward the regime of Iran.”

“We support Mrs. Rajavi’s call on the EU to end appeasement toward the Iranian regime, especially in regards to its human rights violations.”

Horkan called for a probe into the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran and for the perpetrators to be brought to justice. He also called on the EU to add the IRGC to its list of terrorist groups.

“The regime of Tehran fears your movement and that’s why it conspires against you. You can rest assured that we in the Irish Senate will support your just cause for human rights, democracy and justice.”

19.35: Polish MP Michal Kaminski is addressing the Free Iran rally and expressing hope that we’ll soon celebrate in a free Iran:

“We cannot feel free while the dictatorship in Iran is still acting against its people. We support sanctions against the Iranian regime. We believe these sanctions are directed not against the people of Iran but against the fascist regime in Tehran. The politicians who are acting against the people of Iran are unfortunately ruling your country today. Hopefully we will soon be in a free Iran as we are in a free Berlin today.”

Thomas Nord, a Member of the German Bundestag

19.20: Thomas Nord, a Member of the German Bundestag, points out that Iran’s regime poses a threat to the entire world:

“The Iranian regime is a threat to the world and is trying to acquire a nuclear weapon. We must do whatever we can to prevent the regime from acquiring a nuclear bomb to pose a threat to world peace.”

“War is not a solution for Iran. What can we do? Mrs. Rajavi mentioned in her speech that the solution is in the hands of the Iranian people and the Resistance who are standing and fighting against this regime. Democracy and freedom can’t be exported to Iran. The people have risen for democracy.”

Nord recounted the ongoing uprisings in Iran that began last year, with thousands of people pouring onto the streets across Iran.

“They take great risks to stand up against the regime. They risk their lives for the freedom of their country. We support them and we condemn the acts of the regime.”

“There are many politicians and journalists who go to Iran and spread lies. We must stand up against these lies. We must support the will of the Iranian people and their struggle for freedom.”

Colombian-French politician Ingrid Betancourt

19.10: Colombian-French politician Ingrid Betancourt delivers a powerful speech in support of the MEK and NCRI as the alternative to the mullahs’ regime in Iran.

“We want to tell Khamenei, we’re coming for you. We will hold you accountable for all the people you killed because they supported freedom and justice.”

“We believe in the MEK, in its values and what its fights for. We are here to say to our governments in Europe that we don’t want any more agreements and concessions with the criminal government of the mullahs.”

“We are here to defend our values and principles, and it doesn’t matter where we stand, left or right. The fight of the Iranian Resistance is our fight.”

Betancourt chided European media for playing into the hands of the Iranian regime in demonizing the Iranian Resistance, especially the MEK.

“The mullahs kill physically, but they also kill morally through defamation. We know the people we stand with. These are the people who are fighting with the criminals. Don’t get it wrong. You can’t change the truth by writing articles.”

Betancourt also criticized some Western media organizations for trying to paint a twisted picture of the truth of Iran and depict the IRGC as powerful and popular.

“That is a lie! Not only is [the IRGC] criticized by the people, but they are also facing division in their ranks because they don’t have money to pay their ranks and to finance their war in the Middle East. This is the beginning of the end of the mullahs’ regime,” Ms. Betancourt concluded.

Eduard Lintner, former German Deputy Interior Minister

19.00: Eduard Lintner, former German Deputy Interior Minister, is now speaking at the Berlin Free Iran rally:

“The mullahs regime is one of the worst dictatorships in history. The end of this dictatorship is within reach with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and the NCRI.”

“This is why the mullahs regime is so frightened of the alternative, and this is why they’re doing all they can to terrorize you. They use terrorism as a tool to maintain their power. The aim of their terrorism is the suppression of free speech.”

“Germany has also acknowledged that the Iranian regime’s Intelligence Ministry (MOIS) has used German soil for its terrorist activities. The regime’s embassy in Berlin is used for these criminal activities.”

Lintner reminded the audience that an Iranain regime diplomat-terrorist was arrested last year in Europe in connection with a bombing attempt against the massive Iranian Resistance rally in Paris.

“The MOIS is very active in Europe against the Iranian Resistance. We must show them that we will not be held hostage in our own soil to their terrorist activities. We must use all means and legal channels to expel their agents from our countries and stop their espionage activities in Europe. Europe must stand up against the malign activities of the regime,” Mr. Lintner concluded.

Patrick Kennedy, a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives and son of the late Senator Edward Kennedy

18.50: Patrick Kennedy, a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives and son of the late Senator Edward Kennedy, delivered his remarks at the Berlin rally and once again voiced his support for the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom:

“We are at a historic point in history when it comes to the freedom of the people of Iran. This is not just a problem for Iranians to solve, it’s a problem for anyone in the world who cherishes freedom and who hates the tyrannical regime of the mullahs in Iran,” he said.

“Crimes against humanity are happening today, and it’s the mullahs in Tehran who are the fascist dictators today. Iran is the single leading nation in the world for executing their own people. Not only sowing terrorism amongst their own people in Iran, but they’re sowing terrorism across the world,” Mr. Kennedy added.

“To Madam Rajavi and the PMOI/MEK, I say, I support you, I support the MEK. The mullahs cannot attack the MEK on the 10-point plan by Madam Rajavi, or on the assertion that Iran is the leading state-sponsor of terrorism, or that the regime or Iran support Hamas and Hezbollah. It can’t attack the MEK because the MEK is right and the mullahs are wrong,” the former Congressman continued.

“I am in favor of the strongest possible sanctions against the regime in Tehran and their terror. This is the answer that is going to help speed up the day where Iranians are going to overthrow this fascist regime.

“This is not the time for us to let up on the financial stranglehold on the mullahs. The economy is crashing, inflation is spiking. The mullahs can’t support their regime when we cut off the supply of money they use to continue to control their people. We need to keep sanctions going strong until we bring down this horrible dictatorship,” he concluded.

18.30: Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi sent a video message to the Free Iran rally emphasizing the need for Europe to adopt a firm policy vis-a-vis the mullahs’ regime in Iran.

18.00: Masoumeh Bolourchi: Our message to those who are trying to keep Iran’s regime in power is, you are on the losing side of history. The mullahs’ regime is doomed to be destroyed. To those who are demonizing the MEK and trying to help the regime, and to those so-called ‘journalists’ in the West who are working with the Iranian regime’s Intelligence Ministry agents, know that you are on the wrong side of history. We call on EU Member States to put the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) on the list of terrorist organizations and expel their agents from their soil. The mullahs are at their weakest in the past 40 years.

17.45: Among the personalities lined up to address today’s Free Iran march in Berlin are Patrick Kennedy, former member of the U.S. House of Representatives; Stephan von Dassel, Mayor of central Berlin (Berlin-Mitte); Eduard Lintner, former German Deputy Interior Minister; Ingrid Betancourt, former Colombian Senator and Presidential candidate; Thomas Nord, a Member of the German Bundestag; Senator Gerry Horkan, a Member of the Irish Senate; Michał Kamiński, a Member of Parliament from Poland; and Leo Dautzenberg, a former Member of the German Bundestag.

17.25: “Time for a FREE IRAN with Maryam Rajavi” – Iranians are about to begin their huge march in Berlin calling on the EU to recognize the right of Iran’s people to overthrow the mullahs’ regime.

17.15: Iran’s tricolor flag, balloons and banners are going up at today’s ‘Free Iran’ march in Berlin including a text that reads: “Maryam Rajavi: Mullahs’ regime is incapable of reform or a change of behavior.”

17.00: Iranians, young and old, are beginning to converge on Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate on this Saturday afternoon. The rally and march will hear addresses from top German and international public figures and lawmakers in support of a Free Iran.

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