Lithuania MPs back Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan for democracy in Iran

NCRI – MPs in Lithuania have condemned Iran’s ‘terrorist’ regime and given its full support to Mrs Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan for freedom and democracy.

The majority of the parliament have signed a joint statement also expressing grave concern over ongoing human rights violations in the regime and urging endangered Camp Liberty residents to be returned to Ashraf.

The statement said: “We condemn the systematic violation of human rights in Iran and are strongly disturbed by the regime’s secret nuclear programme and its terrorist involvements in the region and the world.

“The Iranian people and the international community desire democratic change in Iran in 2013. We strongly support the 10-point plan proposed by Mrs Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, and urge our government to do so.

“We call on our government and the UN Secretary General to refer Iran’s human right dossier to the Security Council and call for prosecution of the perpetrators of crimes against humanity in Iran.”

They also wrote of their concern for Iranian dissidents in Camp Liberty, where eight people died and more than 100 were injured in a missile attack on February 9.

The MPs added: “The most urgent issue is the security of the residents in Camp Liberty who could face similar tragedies at any moment.

“We urge the UNHCR to immediately return them to Camp Ashraf, their home of 26 years, which is much more secure against such attacks, being 80 times larger than Liberty prison, from where they can be transferred to third countries.”

Similar statements have also been issued by many parliaments including Britain, Ireland, Italy, Belgium, Poland and Palestine.

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