Lawmaker blasts State for briefing snub on PMOI

NCRI – Some members of Congress are criticizing the US State Department for refusing to brief them on the status of Iran’s main opposition group they are calling to be removed from the department’s list of terrorist groups, the Washington Times reported on Thursday.

“Rep. Brad Sherman, California Democrat and chairman of the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on terrorism, nonproliferation and trade, noted that more than 100 congressmen have co-sponsored a bill to remove the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) from the State Department’s terror groups list.”

In an interview with the paper, Mr. Sherman said his subcommittee “should take that bill seriously.”

The MEK’s (also known as People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran – PMOI) campaign to be delisted “has received momentum in recent years and months,” Washington Times wrote.

“The House resolution calling for delisting, introduced in June, came after a decision by the European Union last year to take the MEK off its own list of terrorist groups. In July, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit called on the State Department to review the group’s status.”


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