Kobler’s biased remarks on human rights supports our request for his replacement .. Senior Iraqiya member



Senior Iraqiya member

Dr. Zafer al-Ani, Secretary General of the National Future Association and a senior Iraqiya Coalition member said UN envoy in Iraq Martin Kobler’s recent remarks were disgraceful and without the slightest doubt, reveals his unacceptable biased approach towards political parties with the Iraqi’s rights and freedoms paying the price.

Kobler’s remarks were intended to cover up the true facts and through this he cloaked the deplorable truth Iraqis are suffering from, al-Ani continued, adding especially regarding arbitrary arrests, torture of detainees and prisoners, lack of due process for detainees, limiting press freedoms, lack of equality for all Iraqis and overlooking their rights for a dignified life.

Martin Kobler’s recent aggression is no longer limited to the Iraqiya Coalition, now targeting all Iraqi people, he said. The Iraqiya slate now insists on its request from the UN Secretary-General to replace Kobler to allow Iraqis to once again gain their trust in this international organization.


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