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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceJustice for the Iranian Resistance Conference in Paris-Part one

Justice for the Iranian Resistance Conference in Paris-Part one

Maryam RajaviNCRI – The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, took part in a conference in Paris attended by French and European jurists and parliamentarians. At the conference, entitled “Justice for the Iranian Resistance,” three legal opinions were presented by some of the foremost law professors in Europe regarding the imperative of ending the June 17th dossier in France against the Iranian Resistance. Lawyers declared that, as soon as a statement for the dossier’s closure is filed, they will pursue the matter judicially, and if necessary, through the European Court of Human Rights.

Maryam RajaviAt the start of the session, Francois Colcombet, former judge and former member of France’s National Assembly, who chaired the session, welcomed the participants and said: We welcome you at a time when the PMOI has been removed from the EU terror list after obtaining victory at the European Court of Justice. What remains is a dossier in France against the Iranian Resistance, and today we will review that matter in the presence of jurists and experts.

He then gave the floor to Jean-Pierre Spitzer, a French expert on European law and a member of the legal counsel for the PMOI at the European Court of Justice, to present the legal opinion submitted by Professor Henry Lebayle, French expert on European law.

Mr. Spitzer said: Prof. Lebayle, who is one of the most important experts on fundamental rights in the European Community, has argued in his detailed opinion that as a result of the European Court of Justice rulings and the PMOI’s delisting by the EU, in accordance with the principle of mutual recognition which is a key standard for European democracy, a European state cannot act against a European court ruling.

Mr. Spitzer added: On the basis of Prof. Lebayle’s opinion, with which I happen to agree, the June 17th dossier and the freezing of assets cannot persist any longer. This view is especially strengthened because the European Court of Justice has deemed the case submitted to it by the French government as lacking any serious and credible evidence or clues.

The next speaker was Mrs. Maryam Rajavi. She said in a brief speech:

Mr. President,
Respected MPs and jurists,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am delighted to be here today among you.

Six years ago, on the basis of a deal with the mullahs’ regime and in a political blunder, the office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) was raided by 1300 French police officers by reference to the specious excuse of terrorism. This was a political debacle dressed in a judicial act.

I stand here today to blame those who sacrifice the rule of law and justice for the benefit of economic and political considerations, and who aid the ruling religious fascism in Iran by continuing the botched [June 17] dossier.

 Curtains have now been lifted and secret deals with the mullahs for this case have today been exposed.

The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect also stressed in her speech at the Justice for the Iranian Resistance conference that, “We have one clear demand: Either end the investigations or refer the case to court. The main foundation of the arrests, i.e. the terror label, has now been crumbled.” In another part of her speech, Mrs. Rajavi stated:

We have no doubt that we will overcome all obstacles, just as we obtained victory with respect to the terrorist label against the PMOI with the help of supporters of justice and freedom.

In recent days, while students at Tehran’s Polytechnic University and other campuses across Iran chant the slogan of ‘Death to Dictator,’
While the Iranian people are demanding an end to the religious fascism and want change,
Fabricating cases against the regime’s opposition is a strategic blunder. The time is ripe to end this policy.