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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceJurists call for UN intervention to stop Ayatollahs' crimes

Jurists call for UN intervention to stop Ayatollahs’ crimes

Paris ConfParis, August 04 –  (EFE) – The International Committee of Jurists (ICJ) today urged the UN to "urgently" intervene in Iran against the regime of the ayatollahs, who are responsible for the execution of 33,000 political opponents during a crack down in 1988, in order to "stop the execution of more innocent people."

The chairman of the Committee helping victims of repression in Iran, William Bourdon, said at a news conference in Paris that this was a tragedy. "They ended the lives of those who were simply defending their ideals," and this trend is also continuing today “while Western governments and the international community exercise silence. "

Paris ConfParis, August 04 –  (EFE) – The International Committee of Jurists (ICJ) today urged the UN to "urgently" intervene in Iran against the regime of the ayatollahs, who are responsible for the execution of 33,000 political opponents during a crack down in 1988, in order to "stop the execution of more innocent people."

The chairman of the Committee helping victims of repression in Iran, William Bourdon, said at a news conference in Paris that this was a tragedy. "They ended the lives of those who were simply defending their ideals," and this trend is also continuing today “while Western governments and the international community exercise silence. "

The objective of the committee is for the implementation of "international justice in the case of the slaughter" of thousands of political prisoners in Iran’s jails who were killed deliberately and systematically.

According to organizers, in addition to the ICJ president at the press conference, some of the victims of the crackdown of 1988 also spoke out "for the first time,” calling on the Security Council of United Nations to investigate and “implement justice” in this case.

The sister of one of the people who died in prison said the body of his family, executed in 1988 after spending five years behind bars, "is still missing."

While in tears, she said that "the perpetrators of this genocide have not yet been tried and are still doing what they please." There are many others just like her who suffer the demise of their families.

A former prisoner, Mostafa, said there were initially 12,000 people in jail with him after he arrested at 17, but that only 250 survived.

"During the eleven years that I was imprisoned, I could not have family visits or go out on bail until I was released due to severe illness," he said.

But what has made Mostafa suffer even more is that "the senior members of the Committee of Death are now part of the Government of Iran."

Dr. [Rajavi], another victim of repression, added that currently "there is a significant number of Iranians sentenced to death for participating in demonstrations."

However, "the UN failed to intervene and has done nothing to prevent another humanitarian catastrophe," added the doctor.
Also addressing the press conference was Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the political arm of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), who said in a video message that "Western governments have chosen to remain silent in order to protect their economic interests. "

For Rajavi, who suggested that a special tribunal must be set up to deal with this case of genocide, "the political and economic powers" bear a certain degree of responsibility for the massacre of 1988.

"We need a reaction from the international community," she said.