Julie Girling MEP speaks up for women’s rights in Iran



Julie Girling, a Member of the European Parliament from the United Kingdom, has reaffirmed her support for freedom and democracy in Iran.

Members of the European Parliament have spoken out in support of human rights and democracy in Iran through support for the democratic Iranian Resistance led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi. width=”560″ height=”315″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>

The following is the text of Ms. Girling’s remarks in the European Parliament:

“My name is Julie Girling. I am a Member of the European Parliament from the United Kingdom. I am very happy to be able to take this opportunity to talk today and express my support for the people of Iran.

It has become very distressing to me over the years to see the pictures on my TV of hangings, of summary executions and arrests. This is a society that is not being allowed to live in freedom and with the sorts of privileges that I think should be there for all people.

So I am delighted to have been able to support the recent meetings held by Maryam Rajavi in Brussels where many, many MEPs from very many different countries came to support her and the marvelous work that she is doing on behalf of not just the women of Iran, but all of the people of Iran.

I personally support her because I think it’s marvelous that a woman of her caliber and her quality is heading up the Iranian Resistance. It’s terribly important; women are always a force for change. Women are the real cornerstone of society, and it’s very important that we support her and make sure that this message gets across.

So, congratulations to her and everyone who works with her. I wish them every success in the future, and I will be supporting them.”

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