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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceJoint Session of Euro MPs, Mojahedin of Iran and Iraqi Democratic Forces

Joint Session of Euro MPs, Mojahedin of Iran and Iraqi Democratic Forces

Joint Declaration ofAshraf City, the home of thousands of Iranian Mojahedin in Iraq, was the venue to a joint meeting on the current situation in Iraq and the influence of the Iranian fundamentalist regime in that country and the region.

The role of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran as the most effective anti-fundamentalist movement was at the focal point of debates.

Ashraf City, the home of thousands of Iranian Mojahedin in Iraq, was the venue to a joint meeting on the current situation in Iraq and the influence of the Iranian fundamentalist regime in that country and the region. The role of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran as the most effective anti-fundamentalist movement was at the focal point of debates.

In addition to two members of the European Parliament, Paulo Casaca, Chairman of Delegation for Relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and André Brie, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, representative of the PMOI, Mr. Abbass Davari, and leaders and representatives of more than 100 Iraqi political parties and organizations, trade unions, tribal councils, social groups and other institutions attended the meeting.

Speakers stressed on the need to unite all Iraqi patriotic forces against fundamentalism exported by the Tehran regime. While condemning all forms of terrorism, they called on Iraqi authorities to protect the rights of the PMOI and its members as political refugees under the international conventions.

In his remarks, Paulo Casaca thanked the PMOI for initiating this meeting. He added that in his visit to Iraq, he found the opportunity to meet with Iraqi officials and members of the civil society which provided him with first hand information on the state of Iraqi people and their suffering. He expressed his deep regret for the victims and destructions caused by terrorism in that country.

André Brie also appreciated the efforts of PMOI and stressed that for the European Parliament and the Europeans it is essential to learn about the realities of Iraq. He highlighted the common interest of everybody in a stable, democratic and free Iraq.

Abbass Davari, enumerated the objectives of the Iranian regime in Iraq and quoted the  statement by 2.8 million Iraqis which described its presence in Iraq as an undeclared occupation recognizing the PMOI as their strategic ally. He added that the policy of appeasement by the West toward the clerical regime had been the source of major harm to both Iranian and Iraqi nations, since it violated the most fundamental principles of humanity.

Political party and tribal leaders, as well as distinguished Iraqi dignitaries appreciated the opportunity provided to them to share a meeting with representatives of European nations and the PMOI to discuss their problems. While underlining the influence of the PMOI in the anti-fundamentalist movement in Iraq, they called for recognition of its legal status in Iraq and removal from terror lists in Europe and the U.S.

The joint declaration of Democratic Forces of Iraq, MEPs and PMOI representatives is as follows:

Joint Declaration of
Democratic Forces of Iraq, MEPs and PMOI representatives

July 2005

Two years after the war, Iraq continues to be a stage for terrorist operations and anarchy. We condemn all forms of terrorism, without exceptions. The fact is that Western countries did not have a true and meaningful perception of the fundamentalist threat, its role and its connection with terrorism and anarchy. Fundamentalism has established its camp on Iraq’s course to a democratic society and does not leave any room for security, peace and stability.

The experience of past two decades and especially the past two years showed that Tehran’s religious tyrants have an insatiable appetite for export of fundamentalism to dominate Iraq. In the past few days, top U.S. officials have pointed their fingers to the threat posed by the Iranian regime. If a democratic government ruled in Iran, the situation in Iraq would have been undoubtedly different.

Most unfortunately, some European countries’ pursuit of the policy of appeasement of Tehran over the past two decades has paved the way for expansionism and specifically the expansion of the ominous phenomenon of fundamentalism in Iraq. While Iraq’s Shiites and Sunnis, Arabs and Kurds have been living in peace and reconciliation for years, Iran has spent excessive sums to instigate terrorism in Iraq and shed the blood of the innocent.

By selecting Ahmadinejad, Tehran rulers have clearly shown their true nature in the fact that they are determined to find access to nuclear weapons, to continue their extensive meddling in Iraq’s internal affairs and to extend financial and moral support to terrorism.

In a declaration signed by 2.8 million Iraqi citizens, the people of Iraq have condemned Iran’s meddling in Iraq as the main threat lying in the course to stability and democracy in Iraq. They underlined the need to support the main opposition to the mullahs that has deep historical roots within the Iranian society and is a counter balance and a solid barrier against infiltration of fundamentalism in Iraq. Iraqis believe that the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran is a legitimate Resistance movement which is their strategic ally in achieving democracy. They believe international support for this organization is a must in combating terrorism and fundamentalism.

In such circumstances, the Iranian regime’s demands from the government of Iraq to expel the PMOI are against international laws and in flagrant breach of the legal status of the PMOI individuals publicly declared as protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention.
As it was pointed out in the November 10, 2004 declaration of some 3800 international jurists and European, American and Iraqi lawyers and the Iraqi Defense Minister recently reiterated in Iran, we believe that based on international laws the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran and its individuals are entitled to the right to political asylum in Iraq and this must be emphasized by official authorities in Iraq.

We urge Prime Minister Jaafari to reiterate the PMOI’s right to asylum based on Iraq’s Constitution and thus prevent illegal and irresponsible remarks attributed to the government which are in unison with the Iranian regime’s demands.

We further call for the adoption of serious decisions and effective measures to end the European Union’s failed policy of appeasing the Iranian regime. In our view, the first necessary step in sending a strong message vis-à-vis the threats made by Iran’s rulers is the removal of the PMOI from the EU terror list and commencement of an effective dialogue with the PMOI by relevant parties including the Government of Iraq.