Italian lawmakers, human rights organizations condemn executions in Iran

NCRI – In a conference in Rome on October 24, lawmakers and human rights organizations called for an immediate end to executions in Iran.

The conference was entitled, “Stop Executions in Iran” and chaired by Mario Lana, Head of Italian Jurists in Defense of Human Rights.

NCRI – In a conference in Rome on October 24, lawmakers and human rights organizations called for an immediate end to executions in Iran.

The conference was entitled, “Stop Executions in Iran” and chaired by Mario Lana, Head of Italian Jurists in Defense of Human Rights.

An Iranian Resistance delegation headed by Ms. Dowlat Nowrouzi, the NCRI representative in the United Kingdom and Ms. Taraneh Davaran, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the NCRI, addressed the conference.

Mr. Lana said, "Today, I would like to declare that more than 100 members of Italian Parliament from different parties, along with 60 labor unions, human rights and women’s organizations have endorsed a resolution in support of the human rights and an end to the executions in Iran. This resolution also supports Mrs. Rajavi’s call for to prosecute the criminal leaders of the Iranian regime in an international tribunal."

"How could one have dialogue with this terrorist regime? Do you know that this regime tortures people and creates an atmosphere of fear? They beat women in the thousands for mal-veiling. What else is Europe waiting for in order to stop their dialogue?", the Conference chair added.

Mr. Sergio D’Elia, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Italian Parliament condemned the appeasement policy towards the mullahs’ regime and rejected any possibility of moderation in the  religious dictatorship ruling Iran. "The ridiculous dance that was showing Khatami’s smiling face in front of Khamenei’s scary face has ended with the lunatic Ahmadinejad who is threatening the world…The mere fact that the Iranian regime still exists today is a result of the appeasement policy of my country and other European countries. How could we tolerate the fact that our country has relations with the holder of the record for executions in the world?," Mr. D’Elia explained.

He added: "At the request of the Iran’s dictatorial regime, Europe added the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK/PMOI) to the terrorist list. This is a disaster. I have attended the events of the Iranian resistance on numerous occasions and I have known their members for years. Seeing thousands of them, I am sure and I know for a fact that Iran will have a democratic future."

Ms. Jole Santelli, a member of Parliament from the Forza Italia Party, who is also  a signatory to the human rights resolution of Italian Parliamentarians in support of Mrs. Rajavi’s call, noted: "I thank the Iranian resistance for their revelations."

Ms. Elizabetta Zamparotti, the human rights reporter from the Hands Off Cain human rights organization, denounced the executions in Iran. "The Iranian regime is more dangerous for its own people than it is for us," she warned.

In her speech, Rita Bernardini, General Secretary of the Radical Party, condemned the inhumane verdict of stoning and the crimes of the mullahs against women. 

Ms. Dowlat Nowrouzi, the NCRI representative in the United Kingdom, thanked more than 100 Italian Parliamentarians and more than 60 labor unions and human rights organizations for their support of the President-elect of NCRI, Mrs. Rajavi’s call to denounce the violations of human rights in Iran. She elaborated on the crimes of the mullahs and the pervasive suppression by this medieval regime as well as the historic role of PMOI in standing up to these crimes and revealing the regime’s abuse of Islam. She stressed the importance of respecting the rights of the Mojahedin personnel residing in Ashraf and the struggle against the mullah’s regime’s conspiracies against them.

Stefano Menicacci, jurist and former member of the Italian Parliament, said: "The West should not ignore the threats posed by fundamentalism. Europe must understand that the dictatorial regime ruling Iran lacks a future and that the future belongs to the Iranian Resistance. Iran will have a bright future with this force."

In his speech, Antonio Stango, the head of Helsinki Committee for Defense of Human Rights in Italy, said:  "The West has shamelessly added PMOI to the EU and US terrorist lists. It is time to remove this organization from the list. Political expediency explains why many European leaders are shaking the hands of the murderers of Iranian people. We saw in the film how Jack Straw was cozying up to leaders of the mullahs’ regime. We saw how appeasing Hitler ended up in the carnage that claimed the lives tens of millions of people. In Iran, millions of people are deprived from living their lives and do not have the right to free elections. Either the Iranian regime must change or we will be on a path to a war. How could we change the regime? The first step is to stop supporting the regime and start supporting the Iranian resistance and Iranian students."

Pietro Del Zana, Chair of Peace Committee of the Toscana Province, said: "It is very important to know the Iranian Resistance. This is the first time fascism is spreading and the world is silent. In this silence we see cooperation with fascism. We need to clearly state that religious fundamentalism is fascism. The fact that we do not realize fascism is presently in power is very disturbing. Having relations with the fascist regime in Iran is appeasement. It is amazing that some say dialogue with this regime is not appeasement. We have to step in the right direction against the Iranian regime by removing PMOI from the ridiculous terrorist list. We have to end the policy of appeasement and continue with the economic embargo of the regime. The West is appeasing the regime on the one hand and recognizing the rights of Mojahedin of Ashraf on the other hand. The Iranian regime has demanded that the Iraqi government take over the control of Ashraf. We should be very attentive to this issue and demand adherence to the verdict of the European Court of the First Instance to remove the Mojahedin from the terrorist label."

The next speaker, Ms. Taraneh Davaran, a member of the NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee, said: "In their demonstrations, protests and sit-ins, the Iranian people have displayed their desire to change the regime with the help of the Iranian Resistance on different occasions, . It is time to prosecute the leaders of the mullahs’ regime in an international court for crimes against humanity such as the execution of 120,000 political prisoners as well as other terrorist acts."

Ms. Beatrice Lorenzin, Chair of “Forza Italia Youth” said: "Students are asking me why Ahmadinejad is acting so crazy?  He senses danger that is why he is barking like this. Our organization with 100,000 members must announce solidarity with Iranian women and students."

Tobia Zevi from Italian Youth Association also supported Iranian students’ struggle against the mullahs’ regime.

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