Italian city official supports planned anti-Ahmadinejad protests in NYC

NCRI – The Deputy Mayor of the Italian city of Cuneo Mr. Juan Carlo Bozelli expressed his support for Camp Ashraf as well as planned protests by Iranian exiles against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to New York later this month. The city of Cuneo has described itself as the sister city of Camp Ashraf, where 3,400 members of the main Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) reside.

Below is the text of Mr. Juan Carlo Bozelli message:

I send my warmest regards to our friends, sisters and brothers in the Iranian Resistance, especially in Ashraf. We are following all the political developments in Iraq and are very worried about the withdrawal of coalition forces from that country, whose responsibility is to provide protection for Iraqis and specifically for Ashraf residents by American troops. We think that the Iraqi government is not in a position to be able to assure the residents of proper protection.

As you know, insecurity and chaos has overtaken Iraq. This has caused increasing worries for us with respect to the protection of the camp and its residents. When we look at the events of last year in Iraq and particularly the attack against Camp Ashraf, we see that the situation does not lend itself to the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq in general or Ashraf in particular. We are extremely concerned about the safety of our sisters and brothers in Ashraf, and remind the American government about its international obligations, especially in the context of the Fourth Geneva Convention, pertaining to the residents. According to these laws, the 3,400 residents of Ashraf are political refugees, and in other words, people who have chosen to wage resistance against the dictatorship ruling their country. Our foreign policy with respect to them is to protect and support their struggle.

We will participate in the rally scheduled for September 23 in New York City across from the United Nations headquarters against the presence of the criminal president of the Iranian regime there. We will tell the American government with one voice along with thousands of European lawmakers and supporters of Ashraf that the real representative of the Iranian nation is their resistance movement and the US must remain committed to its obligations in Ashraf.

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