It is time to support resistance in Iran – US Congressman

NCRI – In a message to the White House rally by thousands of supporters of the Iranian Resistance on Thursday, Congressman Bob Fillner from San Diego California, underlined the need to remove the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran from the terror list. Excerpts of his message are as follows:
Without the regime change in Iran you are not going to have a chance for world peace. You have come here at a very important time. Now Mullahs are moving Very rapidly towards nuclear Weapon.

But we know that war would not be a good option. It is not just a way to deal with these issues. Neither is the appeasement of the mullahs. For example the appeasement comes with having the MEK in the terrorist list maintained by the State Department.
It is time to take the MEK (People Mojahedin Organization of Iran) off the terrorist list. If we can not have war and if appeasement does not work, we have a Third option. As Maryam Rajavi has said there is a third way and that is to assist the internal resistance based in Iraq.
That we can have a democratic government. To make change from within.
We don’t need a world war. We can have the internal resistance make the change.
So your being here today is a powerful message to the united state’s government and the governments around the world.

It is time to support the internal resistance in Iran.
Thank you all for being here.

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