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It is time to recognize the legitimacy of the Iranian Resistance – Gen. James Jones

NCRI – Addressing a conference in Paris February 26 entitled “Iran, Human Rights, Women, Camp Ashraf and Policy Options” General James Jones, former National Security Advisor of Obama Administration, addressing Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, said: Madam Rajavi, it is time for those of us from the United States who have come to know you and your colleagues, and your goals, to do what is required, to recognize the legitimacy of your movement.
Excerpts from his speech follow:

Ladies and gentlemen we are witnessing literally a tidal wave of freedoms promise unraveling before our very eyes.  It’s an exciting time, it’s a dangerous time, and it’s a time that I don’t think that any of us here can predict exactly how it is going to turn out but the potential of it is astounding. The promises that are before us in North Africa and Libya could expand to other countries and could expand in many different ways, and we hope that it will also expand to the people of Iran and their quest for justice and freedom, and better life for themselves and their children.
I was particularly taken by many of the comments that were made before me.  I was particularly taken personally in my capacity as national security adviser, watching the demonstrations in Iran in 2009, following a very fraudulent election.  I was very taken by the passion for human rights the people in Iran and outside of Iran have exhibited.  I am very proud to be here today to say a few words about the days ahead and the potential that faces us now.  Only a few weeks ago, we could have only guessed that.
It’s my opinion that there are a lot of things that could be done to help things along.  I was recently in Israel at a conference and I positively had the idea that now it’s not the time for leaders to be passive than to be bold, and to be both, and Middle East peace process is only part of this whole ” denouement  that we hope we will see in the Middle East, an ” denouement ” that will result in freedom for many people, including the better security for the State of Israel, but also a freedom and opportunity for the Palestinian people that have struggled so long to have a state.
So it is a time for statesmanship for the elected leaders.  It’s not a time for politicians.  It is a time for courage, it is a time for determination, and with that, anything is possible.
I’d like to say a few words about U.S. policy towards Iran, not to be defensive, but to say something that it has been the President’s intention since the day of inauguration to develop a level of dialogue with the Iranian government that would determine once and for all whether there is any possibility of reason and compromise on the big issues of our time concerning the fate of the people in Iran and the conditions around human rights, this being part and parcel of that dialogue.  The other areas of concern obviously include the nuclear program that much of the world is concerned about, certainly the Middle East is concerned about.
As I said before, the three main reasons why there is a concern for not just the people in the region, but a global concern that a nuclear weapons capable Iran is already declared under the leadership of Mr. Ahmadinejad, what they are planning to do for the nuclear weapons and that is not encouraging for the future.  Secondly, a nuclear capable weapon Iran would for sure trigger a nuclear arm race in the Middle East    also not a good development.  Perhaps the most dangerous thing is an Iran that has the technology to produce weapons of mass destruction, it would be probably attempted to use them through non state actors, and that would be a development that would be catastrophic not just for the people of Iran, for the people of the Middle East, but for the entire globe.
So we had two years now to overtly covertly assess the true intentions of this regime.  Two years is long enough, it’s clear that the Iranian regime is not only to be a problem for its citizens, a very cruel problem, a very constant pressure to inhibit and restrict human rights, the rights of men and women alike, and it has embarked on a long-term project to not only destabilize the region, but to reap havoc in this 21st century world that we live in, and that is clearly unacceptable.
On 24 November of last year, the House of Representatives Foreign Relations Committee met and passed a resolution, asking for immediate measures by the United States for unjust treatment against Camp Ashraf people.  On 7th February, the senate armed services committee of the United States Senate, under the chairmanship of Senator Levin And Senator McCain also expressed concern for the current position that we take with regard to the people of Camp Ashraf.
We also had a court decision that requires the State Department of the United States to revaluate the current designations and suggested they are out of step with the prevailing attitudes around the globe with regard to the movement led by Mrs. Rajavi.  Specifically Camp Ashraf security, it seems to me that the time has come to do the right thing for those who want democracy and freedom and who want the people of Camp Ashraf to live in peace and security.  We should I think remove the shackles that impede the potential that we see before us at this time. 

Iran’s temporary regime. I use the word temporary in a hopeful way cannot stand this situation much longer.  Everything that has happening around Iran must make the leaders of Iran wonder what in the world is happening.  It cannot be that they see this as a good thing.  We have to offer the options for the regime to define itself as I say, and they have now define themselves and they have defined their intent.  Madam Rajavi, it is time for those of us from the United States who have come to know you and your colleagues, and your goals, to do what is required, to recognize the legitimacy of your movement, and your ideals.
I intend to work towards that goal personally.
I hope that all U.S. participants, we unite in this effort.  Beautiful speeches must now produce beautiful results.  I agree with you, Madam Rajavi, that it is now America’s turn. 
Long live the Iranian people, long live freedom, the greatest hope for all human beings.  Thank you so much, ladies and gentlemen.