ISJ warns of Tehran’s plots to prevent delisting of PMOI

ISJ warns of Tehran’s plots to prevent delisting of PMOIFollowing the ruling by the European Court of First Instance on 4 December, 2008 which for the third time annulled the decision by the EU’s Council of Ministers to include the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI) in its terrorist list, religious dictatorship ruling in Iran has been trying to influence the Council’s upcoming decision by all possible means even resorting to blackmail, so that the PMOI is maintained on the list.  This has been the subject of several meeting between Tehran’s officials and their European counterparts in Tehran and European capitals.

The latest was Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister, Mehdi Safari’s visit to Stockholm.  On Wednesday, IRNA, the official Iranian news agency, reported that Mehdi Safari, Deputy Foreign Minister for European Affairs, told Swedish dailies, Dagnes Nyheter(DN) and Svenska Dagbladet(SvD), about “the terrorist actions and crimes of the Mojahedin."  "'Their removal from EU’s list of terrorist organizations would be a big mistake," he was quoted as saying.  "On Tuesday, Safari met with a number of senior Swedish officials including the Foreign Minister and Vice-president of the Swedish Parliament,” IRNA added.

This is a brazen call on the EU to breach its own laws.  The European Committee in Search of Justice (ISJ) which is supported by over 2,000 parliamentarians in Europe, urges EU Member States to respond firmly to such requests by the mullahs’ regime.  It warns against any leniency toward these illegitimate demands by the mullahs and reiterates that the rule of law and its protection must take precedent over any other interests.

ISJ reiterates that implementing the 4 December 2008 ruling is not contingent on the appeal process.  It contradicts Article 242 of the European Treaty which is also noted in the ECJ's 17 December 2008 ruling.  The PMOI has been removed from the EU list of terrorist organisations since 4 December 2008 and it would be unlawful to maintain it on the list based on any reason, including filling an appeal.

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