IRGC s’ Affiliated Site: No surprise to see MEK delisted after Friday’s attack

NCRI – In an analysis of the fallouts of the crimes of Nouri al-Maliki and killing of Mojahedin members, the Javan-Online website, run by the Revolutionary Guards Corps, revealed its fears and wrote: “Undoubtedly, this attack will provide Mojahedin’s leaders with a pressure element to use in order to have their names removed from the US terror list, similar to what the European Union did in 2008 after many years.

“Moreover, on 18 July 2010, a Federal Appeals Court in Washington, D.C. ruled that maintaining the Mojahedin on the U.S.  FTO list was a mistake and that the State Department should reconsider that designation. This was a major victory for an organization who has been trying to get delisted for 13 years. Thus, we shouldn’t be surprised to see that Mojahedin is removed from the U.S. list after the clashes on Friday April 08.”

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