Iraqi people stand by Iranian Mojahedin – former Iraqi official

NCRI – Marking the beginning of the fifth week of sit-in outside the UNHCR office in Geneva, Dr. Abdullah Jabouri, former governor of the Diyala province, assured participants of Iraqi people’s support for the PMOI and its presence as the guest of people in Iraq.

In his speech at the rally, he expressed his solidarity with demands of the sit-in calling on the UNHCR, the UN body concerned with refugees across the world, to reaffirm the status of the PMOI members in Iraq as political refugees. He stressed that people of Iraq, in particular residents of Diyala province, support the PMOI’s presence in Iraq and reminded the crowd of the statement signed by 5.2 million Iraqis emphasizing on their support to the Iranian Mojahedin while condemning mullahs’ meddling in Iraq.

In reference to pressures by the Iranian regime to stop medical and other basic supplies to Ashraf City, where thousands of PMOI members reside in Iraq, Dr. Jabouri assured the rally that people in his province will guarantee supply of basic needs to Ashraf. He reiterated: “We have a common goal and that is to free Iraq and Iran from the mullahs ruling Iran.”

The Iranian regime has been trying to impose further restrictions on PMOI members in Iraq by putting pressure on the government in that country. In the meantime it has dispatched its terrorist agents to blow up water pipelines to Ashraf to make life even more difficult for its residents.

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