Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister calls for return of Camp Liberty residents to Ashraf



NCRI –Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq calls for return of 3,100 Iranian refugees in Camp Liberty near Baghdad Airport to Camp Ashraf.  Mr.  Mutlaq said the latest rocket attack on Camp liberty that killed and wounded many residents proves that they are much safer in Camp Ashraf.

In press remarks made to the Arabic language al-Malaf news website on Monday, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister and a leader of Al-Iraqiya coalition said one of the pretexts for their transfer in February 2012 was that they would be transferred to third countries as refugees but it is now proven to be false and would not be easy to achieve.

Al-Mutlaq described the February 9 massive rocket attack at Camp Liberty as an act of revenge and held foreign parties responsible for the attack.

Camp Liberty, located near Baghdad Airport houses members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the main Iranian opposition movement to the rule of clerical regime in Iran. The residents were forcibly transferred from their 26 years home in Camp Ashraf.

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