Iraq: Khomeini’s first step in realizing his Islamic empire – Part VI

Qods Force’s Kosar and Mobin front entities in Iraq
By: Reza Shafa
Kosar Organization was setup to cover the mullahs’ real intention in the country. Since the early 1980s and sudden appearance of an odious method of expanding Islamic fundamentalism by the newly established government in Tehran, the same tactics, as tested positive in the past, was the order of the day for the Qods Force in Iraq.

Since early September 2003, the Qods Force under the pretext of humanitarian aids to the poor and needy in Iraq began a widespread campaign to extend its terrorist network.

Parallel to Kosar’s activities and in full adherence to the guidelines it is dictating, there are other front organization such as Shahid Foundation, Khomeini’s Salvation Committee, and Red Crescent. These entities, although from the outset seem independent but in no way they are. A close probe into any of them would reveal that all of the organizations have links to the Qods Force. Brig. Gen. Haj Mansour Haqiqat-Parvar runs the Kosar organization in Iraq. The foundation has opened branches in a number of Iraqi cities.

Its major task is to provide logistics support for the Iranian backed groups and make a foothold for the Qods Force in the country.

Mobin Organization

A few months after the downfall of the previous Iraqi government, mullahs’ supreme leader Ali Khamenei in a meeting with the Qods Force’s commander Brig. Gen. Qassem Soleimani and officials of International Community of Ahlalbeit, teachers of Qom’s School of Theology, members of Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance as well as other related government departments set new guidelines for establishment of a new Islamic Republic in Iraq. To accomplish the task, they should have begun by laying the necessary cultural ground. Brig. Gen. Hossein Shariatmadari the representative of Khamenei and managing editor of Kayhan, the best known conservative Iranian newspaper, wrote in an editorial, "The Shiite absolute majority in Iraq, as was the case in Iran, have common beliefs regardless of the geographical boundaries dividing the two nations. Although such natural divisions are recognized, they do not stop the two people from having strong common religious convictions. As it was the case in Iran, the ethnic and national differences did not stop the people from creating an Islamic government in Iran. Obviously, the devoted Muslims in Iraq will follow suite with an eye set on Iran as an example."

Following the meeting, the Qods Force wasted no time in implementing Khamenei’s order by setting up a new organization called Mobin under Brig. Gen. Danaii in Iraq.

In an orchestrated move, the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) sent a directive to all of the government and military branches that from then on all cultural activities in the neighboring country will come under Mobin’s supervision in Iraq.

Mobin Organization officially opened an office in Vanak Square in northern Tehran.

Mobin’s declared goals in Iraq are as follows:

1.    Opening radio and television stations throughout Iraq;

2.    Running ideological courses for members of the groups close to the Qods Force such as the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC), Badr Brigade, Hezbollah Movement, Fifteen Sha’aban Movement, Seyed al-Shohada Movement, Sarolah Movement just to name a few;

3.    Opening book exhibitions in various cities in Iraq;

4.    Free distribution of Islamic books and CDs in the country;

5.    Opening video clubs in Iraqi cities;

To make its activities less visible, Mobin Organization has opened an establishment called "Cultural Mobin Association."  The employees of the new association are recruited from members of the groups such as SIIC, Badr Brigade as well as others just mentioned.

Now there are one hundred book stores, eighty video clubs, more than 300 Quran teaching centers operating in Iraq.

To date, Mobin Organization has opened ten book exhibitions in major cities such as Baghdad, Basrah, and Kirkuk among others in Iraq. In each event, it has given away thousands of books and CDs of teachings by Khomeini, Khamenei and other leaders of the mullahs’ regime.

In one such show, more than $13,000 in books and CDs were given away; posters of Khomeini and Khamenei were also distributed.

IRGC and Qods Force are so involved in instigating terrorist activities in Iraq and no matter how they try to cover their deadly trails, they are readily exposed.

To be continued
Reza Shafa is an expert on the Iranian regime’s intelligence networks, both in Iran and abroad. He has done extensive research on VAVAK (MOIS), IRGC’s Intelligence Office, and Quds Force among others. Currently he is a contributor to NCRI website.

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