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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceIran's State-Run Student News Network, SNN: The MEK Poses A Greater Danger...

Iran’s State-Run Student News Network, SNN: The MEK Poses A Greater Danger Than The Natanz Explosion

Iran Regime's Fear in the Face of Uprisings in 2020
Iran Protests, November 2019 – file photo

On Tuesday, April 20, 2021, the state-run student news network SNN, published an article titled “More dangerous than the Natanz explosion!”.
While warning against such explosions, the piece emphasized that such explosions are very dangerous for the regime, but there is a much greater danger than the Natanz explosion, namely the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the leading opposition group against the mullahs’ regime. The piece explains that the MEK is more dangerous for the regime because of its role in attracting young people and organizing uprisings and protests. The article also warns of the widespread activities of the MEK’s resistance Units and writes that many young people from all walks of life join the MEK’s resistance Units daily and prepare for an uprising against the regime. This article portrays only a small part of the regime’s fear of its main opposition and its role in organizing the youth for the uprising.

The following is the translation of excerpts of the SNN’s article:

More dangerous than the Natanz explosion

According to the political group of the student news network, the terrorist incident by the Zionist regime in the Shahid Ahmadi Roshan nuclear power plant sounded the alarm bells and caused the need to increase the vigilance of all military, intelligence, and security organs of the system. Especially at a time when the Zionist enemy is wounded by the resistance of the Islamic Republic against all pressures and therefore commits such acts of persecution.
The incident of destruction in Natanz was significant and thought-provoking. But we must be aware that much bigger destruction is going on, which, unfortunately, many are ignoring. It seems that the alarm bells that should be sounded for more significant and more dangerous negligence are still off. Neglecting the destruction of the youth’s minds, consciences, and psyches by the sworn enemy of the system and the revolution, namely the Mujahedin-e Khalq – MEK, especially through cyberspace.

Of course, the Supreme Leader warned in advance that “unfortunately, cyberspace is empty” with constant tact and foresight. And it was expected that with this signal in time, all the apparatuses of the system would sound the alarm bells and mobilize all their forces against the enemy who is armed to the teeth in psychological warfare. But so far, we do not see a proper reaction; While from the moment of the explosion at the Natanz site, we are witnessing a wave of stances and practical measures (60% enrichment and installation of RIA 6 centrifuges).
The reason is clear. The explosion in Natanz is physical, and everyone can see it with their own eyes. But no one sees the dangerous neutron explosion by the MEK in the hearts and minds of the youth. The enemy, who has been speaking for 40 years, says in his own language that it wants nothing but the overthrow of the Islamic Republic; The MEK that Imam Khomeini warned against 41 years ago. Especially after Rajavi’s speech in Amjadiyeh, which was accompanied by hundreds of thousands of young people who were deceived and excited, Imam said referring to Rajavi: “Our enemy is neither the United States nor the Soviet Union nor anyone else, the enemy is here in Tehran.! » (1982).
Today, the same sworn enemy is sharpening his attacks on our youth and subjecting them to heavy bombardment through cyberspace. Every day, it magnifies the real problems of society and incites the youth to chaos and destruction. Every day it tries to insinuate that the culprit of the people being sacrificed by the coronavirus is the policies of the system, and it places the word “corona of the Velayat” in the society and becomes the word of the people; The enemy is trying to convince the youth that the cause of widespread unemployment is not economic components, not the wrong policies of the government, not the actions of Western allies and negotiation, but corruption and theft in the whole structure.
The MEK has advanced so far in this psychological war that Massoud Rajavi gives an audio message and explicitly states that “there is a great civil war in Iran between the people along with the People’s Mojahedin (MEK) with the regime, And such waves recruit young people dissatisfied with poverty and economic issues. It is not unreasonable that 41 years after the Imam’s historical warning about the MEK, the Supreme Leader says: “The enemy is in ambush, it is constantly working to disappoint the youth, to divert them, to keep them out of the way”.
A warning that is very serious and has room for reflection and specific actions. Why don’t we see the MEK rebellion units burning every night, destroying and burning sensitive security centers? Do we not see that every day they try to expand the role of social dissatisfaction? Do we not see how young people are dragged from behind the desks, classrooms, and universities to the battlefield of danger, danger, and insurrection, and turn them into insurgents who, with a one-dimensional look at problems and issues, see the way out as confrontation with the system …?

The work has reached a point where the psychological warfare of the MEK has had a devastating effect even on the Basijis and the young forces of the regime. In many cases, it even attracts them. As the Supreme leader said: “Your effort should be to protect your youth, do not let the temptation of the enemy affect the youth and be able to cool them and finally use them”.
Therefore, we know that destroying incentives is much more dangerous than destroying nuclear and security sites. The blow to the sensitive security centers is serious and important, of course, but it is a tactical and compensable blow. But the blow to the perpetrators and the human structure of society and the system is a strategic and irreparable blow.
