Iranians Say No to Rouhani for Second Day Outside the UN

For the second day in a row, very large demonstration of MEK supporters in New York, simultaneous to Hassan Rouhani's speech at the UNGA- Demonstrators chant "No to Rouhani", and "Regime Change in Iran"-September 25, 2019

Iranian American supporters of the main Iranian opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran ( has no place at the UN. You proved that the people of Iran will not relent until they achieve freedom. And undoubtedly, they will achieve just that.

— Maryam Rajavi (@Maryam_Rajavi) September 25, 2019

The protesters chanted “Down with Rouhani” and “Down with Khamenei,” the latter referring to the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Prominent American speakers including former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former U.S. senators Joe Lieberman and Bob Torricelli, and former Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army General Jack Keane addressed the ‘Free Iran’ rally on Tuesday, hosted by the Organization of Iranian-American Communities (OIAC).

Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi said in a message to the rally: “Your gathering in New York is a resounding ‘No!’ to the policy of appeasement, to the policy of buying chances for a moribund regime, and to the policy of inaction toward a regime that preserves its power through warmongering, terrorism, and suppression.”

“Your gathering says ‘No’ to the continuation of the rule of a bunch of occupiers and criminals in Iran. And, it says ‘Yes’ to the overthrow of this regime by the people of Iran and the Iranian Resistance,” added Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

Mrs. Rajavi further stated: “Following the clerical regime’s recent attack from inside Iran against Saudi oil facilities, the real question facing the world is no longer who conducted the attack, but they need to advance a policy of decisiveness and firmness against this regime.”

The policy of appeasement toward Iran’s regime has fostered catastrophes, and there is only one way to undo the damage and that is to stand on the side of the people of Iran who have risen up to uproot the central banker of terrorism, she said.

“The regime in Iran is neither capable of reform nor can it change its behavior; it will never abandon weapons of mass destruction, human rights abuses, and promotion of fundamentalism and terrorism; it gets emboldened by appeasement and it only understands firmness and strength,” Mrs. Rajavi added.

“The mullahs’ regime is weak and at an impasse. Its adventurism and evil acts in the region are expanded only because no other party has stood up to it. At the same time, the people of Iran are the regime’s primary victims.”

Maryam Rajavi summarized the demands of the Iranian people from the international community:


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