Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iranians protest in France

NCRI – On Wednesday April 18, Iranians and supporters of Resistance gathered in Paris in front of the French Parliament. They demanded from the French government to respect the ruling of the European Court of Justice and take the PMOI name off the terrorist list and not to undermine law and justice in order to appease the Mullah’s regime.
A number of political and human rights dignitaries from France and Britain as well as some NCRI committee Chairs spoke on this issue.

NCRI – On Wednesday April 18, Iranians and supporters of Resistance gathered in Paris in front of the French Parliament. They demanded from the French government to respect the ruling of the European Court of Justice and take the PMOI name off the terrorist list and not to undermine law and justice in order to appease the Mullah’s regime.

A number of political and human rights dignitaries from France and Britain as well as some NCRI committee Chairs spoke on this issue.

In this protest in Paris, Mr. Moloud Aounit Regional Counsellor and former MRAP chairman was one of the speakers. He told the protestors: MRAP has always stood with you. We are opposed to the terrorist label against the Mojahedin. We demand that the ruling of the EU court be recognized and we oppose unlawful actions. Therefore the EU rule of law should be revered and Mojahedin must be de-listed. We think we should break the silence and oppose this unlawfulness. The French government does not recognize the ruling of the EU Court in Luxemburg to facilitate trade relations with the criminals ruling Iran. Mr. Moloud Aounit stated that in a signed petition about 15,000 French citizens have demanded that their government should change its behavior towards the Iranian Resistance.
He announced: We will take the petition signed by 15,000 French citizens to the President and we declare our support for the Iranian Resistance.

Mr. Mohammad-Ali Towhidi, the Chairman of the Publications of the National Council of Resistance of Iran was the next speaker who addressed the French government and said: The experience of the past four years indicates that to collaborate with the dictators ruling Iran, you have even undermined the French justice system. You began with falsifying records when at the same time the French jurists warned this was a dead dossier and the government should not undermine the terrorism branch. Mr. Towhidi asked: Why don’t you listen to these just words? Why do you damage the real anti-terrorism fight? Why do you let the real terrorists operate freely and impede the just Resistance of the Iranian people?

The next speaker was Mr. Mehdi Sameh, the Chair of the Industries committee of NCRI. He said: Our protest today is taking place at the same time with the protest of the teachers and with the protest of the Student movement in Iran. Today is the second day of the demonstration of Iranians in Paris. This is the continuation of a tireless effort that you already witnessed in Geneva for 8 months and currently in progress in London. Mr. Sameh stated that: our demand is clear. We appeal for rule of law and justice and request that the French government and other European friends respect the ruling of the EU court. The Iranian people and Iranian Resistance will themselves take care of the theocratic dictatorship ruling their country. You stop appeasing the Iranian regime and rest assured that the Iranian people will gain freedom through their struggle against the regime.

Another speaker of this event was Ms. Owen, Chair of the British Widows and from the Liberal Women, a NGO with the United Nations. In solidarity with the Iranian Resistance, she condemned the policy of appeasing the ruling regime in Iran. She appealed that the ruling of the European Court be recognized and Mojahedin’s name be removed from the terrorist list.

Ms. Olga Laeterbach, a human rights activist was another speaker in the Iranian demonstration in front of the French Parliament. She stated: We request from the French and European officials to respect the ruling of the EU court and remove Mojahedin from the terror list. We demand from the French government as well as the Presidential candidates to establish firm policies against appeasement of this evil regime. Ms. Olga Laeterbach affirmed as a French citizen and a democrat, she demands the official removal of Mojahedin from the list.

The next speaker in the Paris protest was Mr. Yves Jean Gallas, Vice-President of the French Peace Movement. He paid tribute to the protestors for being there and said: This is a very important demonstration because we are demanding the removal of Mojahedin from the terrorist list. The Vice President of the French Peace Movement stated: Placing Mojahedin in the terror list was illegal to begin with. The ruling of the EU court also proved that this act was illegal. Therefore, all the countries should recognize their international pledges and respect the ruling of the EU court.

Mr. Ebrahim Mazandarani, the Chair of Towhidi Merchants Guild was the next speaker and said: Even though the true face of the terrorists ruling Iran is clearly revealed in the whole world, we still see the leaders of countries like France, Britain and their friends insist on changing the place of the murderer with the victim and insist on keeping Mojahedin in the list.  Mr. Mazandarani reiterated that those who break the law by keeping Mojahedin in the terror list are only after trade agreements and enormous profit in their economic dealings with the clerical regime.

Ms. Annie Boissy a resident of Val d’Oise province was another speaker. She reiterated the support of residents of the province for Mojahedin and Iranian Resistance. She demanded the removal of Mojahedin from the terrorist list. Ms. Boissy stated: we stood by you in the Geneva protest that lasted for 8 months and we stand by you until you triumph.