Iranians in Paris commemorate September 2013 Massacre of PMOI (MEK) in Camp Ashraf

NCRI – A group of Iranians living in Paris gathered in the center of the city on Saturday to commemorate massacre of members of Iranian opposition on September 1, 2013 in Camp Ashraf, by Nouri al-Maliki forces at the behest of the Iranian government.

On September 1, 2013, the Iraqi forces attacked Camp Ashraf – North of Baghdad, killing 52 members of the Iranian opposition the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and abducting seven residents including six women.

In an unblemished case of crime against humanity, many of the victims were executed while their hands were tied behind their backs, others while receiving treatment in the camps medical centre.

The government of Iraq later buried the bodies of 52 massacred Camp Ashraf residents, in order to destroy the evidence of the crime against humanity and to protect the perpetrators from justice.
While there are strong evidence that the seven residents were abducted by Iraqi forces, the Iraqi government is still refraining from releasing the hostages and their fate is still unknown.

The protesters commemorating the memory of the fallen heroes and heroines had also setup an exhibition of the photos of the slain members of Mujahedin-e-Khalq in Camp Ashraf Massacre.

In the wake of the current situation in Iraq, the protesters, including supporters of the MEK, families of the martyrs of the Iranian resistance, and members and supporters of the Iranian opposition, demanded the United Nations to take urgent action to protect the remaining PMOI members now residing in Camp Liberty.

Mr. Jean Ziegler, member of the Advisory Committee of the UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday 13th of August called on the United Nation to station Blue Helmets to protect Iranian refugees in Camp Liberty who are facing danger in Iraq.

Mr. Ziegler told the Swiss TV channel Leman Blue on Wednesday: “We in the United Nations Advisory Committee of the UN Human Rights Council have two demand: Firstly, we want the United Nations to launch a credible international investigation into the massacre in Camp Ashraf which left tens killed. Secondly we demand that the UN Blue Helmets provide protection for the residents of Camp Liberty whose life are in danger daily.

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