Iranians in Germany celebrate 50th anniversary of MEK foundation

Iranians in Germany celebrate the anniversary of MEK foundationNCRI – Iranians residing in Berlin held a gathering in the city’s Brandenburg square celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the main Iranian opposition movement, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

The celebration also included a rally in major streets in the city calling on the United Nations and the U.S. to protect the residents of Camp Liberty in Iraq.

The participants also called for an international investigation to the killing of 52 members of the MEK (PMOI) in Camp Ashraf by Iraqi forces of Nouri al-Maliki on September 1, 2013. They demanded that the perpetrators of this crime against humanity to be brought to justice.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) or (Mujahedeen-e Khalq MEK) was founded on September 6, 1965, by Mohammad Hanifnejad, Said Mohsen, and Ali-Ashgar Badizadgan. All engineers, they had earlier been members of the Liberation Movement (also known as the Freedom Movement), created by Medhi Bazargan in May 1961.

The MEK’s quest culminated in a true interpretation of Islam, which they demonstrated is inherently tolerant and democratic, and fully compatible with the values of modern-day civilization. It took six years for the organization to formulate its progressive view of Islam and develop a strategy to replace Iran’s dictatorial monarchy with a democratic government.

Fundamentalist mullahs in Iran who believe interpreting Islam is their exclusive domain have executed over 120,000 members and sympathizer of the organization since 1979.

The MEK reject the cleric’s reactionary vision of Islam. The MEK’s comprehensive interpretation of Islam proved to be more persuasive, appealing, and successful than any attempt in the past.

While the MEK is a political organization, its orientation, operation, and support derives from its interpretation of Islam, conceived in its formative years. The MEK believes Islam is an inherently tolerant and democratic religion, and is fully compatible with the values of modern-day civilization.

For the MEK, freedom, gender, ethnic and religious equality, human rights, and peace are not merely political commitments, but ideological principles based on its view of the Quran and the traditions and teachings of Prophet Muhammad, Shiite Imams, and other leaders.

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