Iranians in Berlin protest against the presence of mullahs’ FM

NCRI – Supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) staged a protest against the presence the Iranian regime’s foreign minister in Berlin.  The protest was held outside the building where he was delivering a speech.

The protesters condemned violations of human rights in Iran and particularly the recent wave of public executions. They chanted anti-regime slogans including “Salehi is a terrorist,” “Salehi, get lost!”,  “whoever is working with this regime, is complicit in all the crimes committed by the mullahs.”

They also condemned the policy of appeasement by the West towards Iranian regime. They chanted “Stop appeasing the mullahs” “Stop trades with the murdered mullahs.”.

As Salehi was about to begin his speech, someone in the audience interrupted him and addressed the crowed. He said “I am expressing my concern to the organizers of this meeting. How dare they have invited a representative of a regime that denies holocaust and is suppressing the Iranian people. He should be expelled from this meeting.”

He said Salehi is a murderer and should be sentenced in the court of law.

A group of Syrian nationals also participated to express their solidarity with Iranians. They chanted “No to Khamenei, No to Assad [Bashar al-Assad],” and “Khamenei out of Syria, out”.


Protesters staged a mock hanging as they protested outside German Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin February 4, 2013, where Iranian regime’s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi delivered a speech.

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