Iranians in Australia to hold mass rally in Melbourne

NCRI – Iranians living in Australia are to stage a mass rally next weekend to demand an end to the barbaric summary executions and widespread human rights violations in their homeland.

They will also call on the Australian government to increase its efforts to have endangered Camp Liberty residents returned to Ashraf.

They have issued a list of four key demands to the Australian senate and parliament ahead of the event in Melbourne on April 19.

They state that:
1. The Australian Government must take the lead to stop the daily suppression and brutal executions in Iran, and refer the Iranian regime’s crimes, especially the execution of 120,000 political prisoners and massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, to the UN Security Council.

2. The Australian Government must do its best to relocate residents of camps Ashraf and Liberty to other countries from where their relocation process can continue.

3. The UNHCR must undertake responsibility for Liberty and Ashraf, and the UN’s envoy to Iraq Martin Kobler must not interfere in the refugee status of Ashraf and Liberty residents’. This violates the principle of neutrality and allows the mullahs’ regime to interfere in the fate of its opponents.

4. Australia and the international community must support the Iranian resistance for freedom and democracy and recognize the NCRI as the only democratic and powerful opposition of the Iranian regime, instead of negotiating with a brutal, terrorist dictatorship or any other foreign military power which wants to create havoc in the region.

Time: 12:00
Date: April 19, 2013
Place: Parliamen, Spring street, Melborne

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