Iranians celebrate in Auvers sur oise

Le Parisien (Val d’Oise – Auvers sur oise), December 1, 2007 – The People’s Mojahedin Oraganisation of  Iran (PMOI) located in Rue des Gords in northern Paris for over 25 years, celebrated the decision by a British court which ruled terror listing of  the PMOI as “unlawful”

One hundred people holding Iranian flags and flowers were singing and celebrating the court ruling along with Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the NCRI.

The crowd gathered in a large Hall where a dual connection between the guests and the Iranians standing in front of the London court were established via satellite.

"This is a historical victory," said  Maryam Rajavi, smiling and stirred before the crowd.

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