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Iranians and their international supporters urge focus on Tehran as epicenter of Islamic fundamentalism


— In a large gathering in Berlin on Saturday, March 7, tens of thousands of people from 40 countries called on the world to focus on Tehran as the epicenter of Islamic fundamentalism and extremism. They expressed their support for democratic and tolerant interpretations of Islam and for the Iranian democratic opposition as the antithesis of Islamic extremism.

The Union of Iranian Associations in Germany organized this meeting. Iranian communities and their supporters from throughout Germany had campaigned to hold this meeting in Berlin.

Over 50 prominent political, social, cultural and religious figures from Germany, the United States, Europe and Muslim countries offered speeches to this international meeting on the eve of International Women’s Day. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, was the key speaker to the event.

A broad spectrum of German personalities also offered speeches, including Rita Süssmuth, former President of Bundestag; Horst Teltschik, National Security Advisor to Chancellor Helmut Kohl and former Leader of Munich Security Conference; Günter Verhuegen, former European Commissioner; Bishop Wolfgang Huber, former President of German Protestant Council.

Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of New York City; Bernard Kouchner, former Foreign Minister of France; Ingrid Betancourt, former presidential candidate from Colombia; and Ryszard Czarnecki, Vice-President of European Parliament from Poland were among dozens of U.S. and European personalities who spoke to the crowd in Berlin.

Maryam Rajavi underscored that to rein in the threat of Islamic fundamentalism one must “confront the religious dictatorship ruling Iran” because “this regime is at the heart of the problem and its support for the dictatorships of Bashar Assad and Maliki in Syria and Iraq has led to the rise of ISIS fundamentalist militias.”

She added: “Silence in the face of regime’s meddling in countries of the region, let alone collaborating with it on the pretense of fighting ISIS, is a horrendous strategic mistake… It is delusional to ask the arsonist to put out the fire. The correct policy is to evict the mullahs’ regime from Iraq and Syria.”

Speakers at this meeting strongly condemned the policy of appeasement towards Tehran by the West and reminded the audience that offering concessions to this regime in the nuclear negotiations runs contrary to the interests of the Iranian people, as well as global peace and security. It is unacceptable to turn a blind eye to the atrocities of the mullahs in Iran for the sake of a nuclear deal, they warned.

Union of Iranian Associations in Germany
March 12, 2015